Page 355 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2021-22
P. 355
None of the Directors or KMP of the Company and their respective The Board commends the Ordinary Resolution set out at
relatives are concerned or interested, financially or otherwise, in Item No. 7 of the accompanying Notice for the approval of the
the Resolution set out at Item No. 6 of the accompanying Notice. Members of the Company.
Item No. 7 None of the Directors or KMP of the Company and their respective
The Company is directed under the provisions of Section 148 of relatives are concerned or interested, financially or otherwise, in
the Act read with the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, the Resolution set out at Item No. 7 of the accompanying Notice.
2014, as amended, to have the audit of its cost records conducted
by a Cost Accountant. Further, in accordance with the provisions By Order of the Board of Directors
of Section 148 of the Act read with the Companies (Audit and
Auditors) Rules, 2014, the remuneration payable to the Cost Rajiv Chandan
Auditors has to be ratified by the Members of the Company. General Counsel & Company Secretary
FCS 4312
The Board of Directors, on the recommendation of the Audit
Committee, has approved the appointment of D. C. Dave & Mumbai, May 5, 2022
Co. (Firm Registration No. 000611), as the Cost Auditors of the Registered Office:
Company to conduct audit of the cost records of the Company Tata Chemicals Limited
for the financial year ending March 31, 2023 at a remuneration of Bombay House,
₹ 7,50,000 plus applicable taxes and out-of-pocket expenses. 24 Homi Mody Street, Fort,
Accordingly, consent of the Members is sought by way of an Mumbai - 400 001
Ordinary Resolution as set out at Item No. 7 of the accompanying CIN: L24239MH1939PLC002893
Notice for ratification of the remuneration amounting to ₹ 7,50,000 Tel. No: + 91 22 6665 8282
plus applicable taxes and out-of-pocket expenses payable to the Email:
Cost Auditors for the financial year ending March 31, 2023. Website: