Page 339 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2021-22
P. 339


            47.2 Contingent assets
                                                                                                       ` in crore
                                                                                           As at          As at
                                                                                   March 31, 2022  March 31, 2021
             (i)   Income Tax (pending before Appellate authorities in respect of which the Group is in appeal)   45.78    78.94
            48.  Statement of Net Assets and Profit or Loss Attributable to Owners and Non-controlling Interests

                                                                                                       ` in crore
                                       Net Assets i.e. total assets           Share in other     Share in total
                                         minus total liabilities  Share in Profit or Loss  comprehensive income  comprehensive income
             Sr.                                                                As % of           As % of
             No.  Name of the Company       As % of         As % of   ` in   Consolidated   ` in   Consolidated   ` in
                                       Consolidated   ` in crore Consolidated   crore  other   crore  total   crore
                                         net assets      profit or loss    comprehensive     comprehensive
                                                                                income            income
             (a)  Parent
                Tata Chemicals Limited       41.12    15,342.32   45.24   801.56   55.46   1,538.35   51.45  2,339.91
             (b)  Subsidiaries
                Indian Subsidiaries
             1  Rallis India Limited          4.55    1,696.66   9.27   164.21   (0.02)   (0.56)     3.60   163.65
             2  Ncourage Social Enterprise    (0.00)   (0.87)   (0.05)   (0.96)    0.00    0.04      (0.02)   (0.92)
                Foreign Subsidiaries
             1  Tata Chemicals International Pte.    10.89    4,062.42    1.21    21.48    1.54    42.76    1.41    64.24
             2  Homefield Pvt. UK Limited    (3.63)   (1,354.08)   (1.03)   (18.23)   -    -         (0.40)   (18.23)
             3  TCE Group Limited             0.02    6.88     (0.35)   (6.28)       -     -         (0.14)   (6.28)
             4  Natrium Holdings Limited     (1.68)   (625.28)   (0.84)   (14.87)    -     -         (0.33)   (14.87)
             5  Brunner Mond Group Limited    2.11    785.39    0.58    10.35        -     -         0.23    10.35
             6  Tata Chemicals Europe Limited   (2.20)   (821.89)   (7.40)   (131.15)   8.03    222.89    2.02    91.74
             7  Tata Chemicals Magadi Limited   (0.25)   (92.56)   5.32    94.34     -     -         2.08    94.34
             8  Tata Chemicals South Africa (Pty)    0.11    42.59    0.37    6.64    -    -         0.15    6.64
             9  Northwich Resource Management    -      -        -      -            -     -           -      -
             10  TC Africa Holdings Limited    0.00    0.48    0.81    14.33         -     -         0.32    14.33
             11  Magadi Railway Company Limited    0.00    0.01    -    -            -     -           -      -
             12  Winnington CHP Limited       2.75    1,024.40    1.83    32.51    34.69    962.51    21.89    995.02
             13  Gusiute Holdings (UK) Limited   15.62    5,825.89    8.30    147.12    -    -       3.24    147.12
             14  Valley Holdings Inc.        20.56    7,668.95    8.83    156.40     -     -         3.44    156.40
             15  Tata Chemicals North America Inc.   3.45    1,286.41    (6.69)   (118.62)   -    -    (2.61)   (118.62)
             16  Tata Chemicals (Soda Ash) Partners   5.79    2,161.85    24.84    440.19    -    -    9.68    440.19
             17  TCSAP Holdings               0.00    0.96     (0.01)   (0.26)       -     -         (0.01)   (0.26)
             18  TCSAP LLC                      -       -      0.09    1.68          -     -         0.04    1.68
             19  British Salt Limited         0.68    252.44    2.24    39.78      0.30    8.34      1.06    48.12
             20  Cheshire Salt Holdings Limited   0.01    4.01    -     -            -     -           -      -
             21  Cheshire Salt Limited        0.03    11.71      -      -            -     -           -      -
             22  Brinefield Storage Limited   (0.00)   (0.06)    -      -            -     -           -      -
             23  Cheshire Cavity Storage 2 Limited   -    *      -      -            -     -           -      -
             24  Cheshire Compressor Limited    -       *        -      -            -     -           -      -
             25  New Cheshire Salt Works Limited   0.05    19.80    0.02    0.28     -     -         0.01    0.28
             26  ALCAD                        0.03    10.20    7.42    131.51        -     -         2.89    131.51
                                            100.00   37,308.63   100.00  1,772.01   100.0  2,774.33   100.00 4,546.34

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