Page 96 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2020-2021
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Integrated Annual Report 2020-21

                     Performance Materials (Silica & Highly Dispersible Silica)  Subsidiaries
                     FY 2019-20 marked the start of commercial production      a.   Basic Chemistry Products
                   and  subsequent  ramp-up  of  sales  volume  that  was         Tata Chemicals North America Inc., USA (‘TCNA’)
                   driven by the launch of several new product grades and   i.  Operations
                   expansion of customer base and distribution network.
                   The Company accelerated growth momentum in                Sales trend of Basic Chemistry Products is as
                   FY 2020-21 and plans to further improve volumes by    follows:
                   broadening and deepening its customer base and        TCNA Sales Volume in '000 MT
                   delivering on supplies to the high value tyre and rubber   2,222      2,229
                   customers.                                                                        1,903
                   Nutrition Sciences
                     The Company stabilised its operations at its newly
                   commissioned, state-of-the-art greenfield  facility in
                   Nellore,  Andhra  Pradesh.  All  important  food safety
                   certifications like FSSAI, FSSC 22000, FAMI QS, Halal,
                   Kosher, etc. were achieved and it was awarded a Gold
                   rating in the IGBC green rating system for factories.
                     With  the  growth  of  the  distribution  network,  the   FY 2018-19  FY 2019-20  FY 2020-21
                   Company served customers across the globe, with                         Soda Ash
                   encouraging response from South East Asia and North
                   America. It was qualified by a few global accounts; few              In FY 2020-21, the sales volumes of TCNA were
                   others are in the last stages of qualification and will be   lower than the previous year by approximately
                   favourably concluded soon with this, the Company      15%, primarily on account of reduced demand
                   expects to increase its capacity utilisation.         in the majority of its export markets.
               ii.  Financials                     ` in crore                A part of the margin erosion due to this was
                                               FY      FY                compensated by tight control on costs in order to
                   TCL India                                             hold them at historical levels.  This was
                                           2020-21 2019-20
                   Revenue from operations    2,999  2,920               obviated by unusual extreme freeze which led
                                                                         the  sudden  spike  in  gas prices from  US$  2
                   EBITDA                      611     718
                                                                         Dekatherm (‘DTHM’) to US$ 150 - US$ 175 DTHM
                   Profit before tax (PBT)     614     834               which impacted the Company by approximately
                   Profit after tax (PAT)      479     672               US$ 6 million.
                     The revenue grew 3% compared to the previous year   ii.  Financials              ` in crore
                   led by higher salt volumes and pricing. Profit before   TCNA                   FY      FY
                   tax reduced by 26% compared to FY 2019-20 mainly                           2020-21 2019-20
                   on account of the impact of drop in sales realisation in   Revenue from operations  2,878  3,403
                   soda ash and sodium bicarbonate impacting the profit.   EBITDA                351     762
                   Other reasons for lower PAT include (a) lower income   PBT                   (170)    348
                   due  to  drop  in  yield  on  surplus  investments  and   Profit after tax and
                   (b) higher depreciation on account of ongoing capex.   non-controlling interest  (197)  212

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