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Integrated Annual Report 2020-21

                      results in the recognition of a non-financial asset,      2.15.7  Fair value of financial instruments
                      the amounts accumulated in equity with respect           In determining the fair value of its financial
                      to gain or loss relating to the effective portion of   instruments, the Group uses a variety of methods
                      the spot component of forward contracts, both      and assumptions that are based on market
                      the  deferred  hedging  gains  and  losses  and  the   conditions and risks existing at each reporting
                      deferred aligned forward points are included       date. The methods used to determine fair value
                      within  the initial  cost  of the  asset. The  deferred   include discounted cash flow analysis, available
                      amounts are ultimately recognised in the           quoted market prices and dealer quotes. All
                      Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss as the   methods of assessing fair value result in general
                      hedged item affects profit or loss.                approximation of value.
                        When a hedging instrument expires, is sold or      2.16  Impairment
                      terminated, or when a hedge no longer meets         Financial assets (other than at fair value)
                      the criteria for hedge accounting, then hedge
                      accounting is discontinued prospectively and         The Group assesses on a forward looking basis the
                      any cumulative deferred gain or loss and deferred   expected credit losses associated with its assets
                      costs of hedging in equity at that time remains in   carried at amortised cost and debt instruments
                      equity until the forecast transaction occurs. When   carried at FVTOCI. The impairment methodology
                      the forecast transaction is no longer expected to   applied  depends  on  whether  there  has  been  a
                      occur, the cumulative gain or loss and deferred    significant increase in credit risk. In respect of
                      costs of hedging that were reported in equity      trade receivables the Group applies the simplified
                      are immediately transferred to the Consolidated    approach permitted by Ind AS 109 - Financial
                      Statement of Profit and Loss.                      Instruments, which requires expected lifetime
                                                                         losses to be recognised upon initial recognition
                        Derivatives that are not designated as hedges    of the receivables. For all other financial assets,
                        When  derivative  contracts  to hedge  risks  are   expected credit losses are measured at an amount
                      not designated as hedges, such contracts are       equal to the 12-months expected credit losses or
                      accounted through FVTPL.                           at an amount equal to the life time expected credit
                                                                         losses if the credit risk on the financial asset has
                        The entire fair value of a hedging derivative is   increased significantly since initial recognition.
                      classified as a non-current asset or liability when
                      the remaining maturity of the hedged item          The gross carrying amount of a financial asset is
                      exceeds 12 months; it is classified as a current   written off (either partially or in full) to the extent
                      asset or liability when the remaining maturity of   that there is no realistic prospect of recovery.
                      the hedged item does not exceed 12 months.         Financial  assets  that  are  written  off  could  still
                                                                         be subject to enforcement activities in order to
                2.15.5  Financial guarantee contracts                    comply with the Group's procedures.
                        Financial guarantee contracts are recognised         PPE, CWIP and intangible assets
                      as a financial liability at the time of issuance of
                      guarantee. The liability is initially measured at fair         For the purpose of assessing impairment,
                      value and is subsequently measured at the higher   the smallest identifiable group of assets that
                      of the amount of loss allowance determined, or the   generates cash inflows from continuing use that
                      amount initially recognised less, the cumulative   are largely independent of the cash inflows from
                      amount of income recognised.                       other assets or groups of assets is considered
                                                                         as a cash generating unit (“CGU”).  The carrying
                2.15.6  Offsetting of financial instruments              values of assets / CGUs at each Balance Sheet
                        Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset   date are reviewed to determine whether there
                      when  the  Group  has  a  legally  enforceable  right   is any indication that an asset may be impaired.
                      (not contingent on future events) to off-set the   If any indication of such  impairment exists, the
                      recognised amounts either to settle on a net basis,   recoverable  amount  of  such  assets  /  CGU  is
                      or to realise the assets and settle the liabilities   estimated and in case the carrying amount of
                      simultaneously.                                    these assets exceeds their recoverable amount, an

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