Page 139 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2020-2021
P. 139

Integrated Report   Statutory Reports  Financial Statements
              1-59                Business Responsibility Report  147-300

                (ii)  Medikarb (IP grade): Medikarb is Sodium Bicarbonate   are not yet fully aware of all the benefits associated with
                    developed for pharmaceutical applications which    it such as lower rolling resistance (better fuel efficiency),
                    is manufactured by further processing of Sodium    improved wet grip (safer tyres) and improved abrasion
                    Bicarbonate to reduce Sulphate, Chloride and other   resistance (durable tyres).
                    heavy metals. This product complies to specifications
                    as prescribed by Indian and British pharmacopeial   3.    Does the Company have procedures in place for
                    requirements.                                  sustainable sourcing (including transportation)? If yes,
                                                                   what percentage of your inputs was sourced sustainably?
                (iii)  Highly Dispersible Silica (HDS):  HDS  is  produced   Also, provide details thereof, in about 50 words or so.
                    through a green patented technology. It improves
                    performance of tyres and reduces consumption of fuel.       Yes, the Company has developed a supplier sustainability
                                                                   code and has established process for vendor selection.
            2.     For  each  such  product,  provide  the  following  details  in   This includes various principles and guidelines such as
                respect of resource use (energy, water, raw material, etc.)   Safety, Health and Environment Policy, Legal Compliance,
                per unit of product (optional):                    Adherence to  TCoC,  ISO Certification, etc.  The Company
                                                                   has started carrying out a Sustainability Assessment of its
                (i)    Reduction during sourcing/production/distribution
                    achieved since the previous year throughout the   Key Suppliers and communicates areas of further
                    value chain                                    improvements to reinforce sustainability principles.   
                      The  Company  has  taken  initiatives  like  waste         Around 60% of coal used by the Company is  ultra-low
                    management by recycling them within the premises   pollutant content coal branded as “Envirocoal”. “Envirocoal”
                    to add value and produce finished product. Recycling   has low ash (2.5%), sulphur  (0.2%) and nitrogen (0.9%)
                    of waste in Mithapur Plant is improving year on year   content.
                    basis. It also helps in preserving the natural capital
                    and reduces the fuel consumption due to recycling       68% of product volumes (approximately 2.3 million metric
                    of materials. Recycling of water is also improving year   tonnes ['MT']) evacuated from Mithapur complex is through
                    on year basis which not only saves the water but also   rail mode, which has significantly lower carbon emissions
                    reduces the energy consumption as well. The initiatives   compared to other modes. 
                    undertaken by the Company for conservation of energy
                    also form part of the Board's Report.      4.    Has the Company taken any steps to procure goods
                                                                   and services from local and small producers, including
                (ii)   Reduction during usage by consumers (energy,   communities surrounding their place of work? If yes,
                    water) has been achieved since the previous year?  what steps have been taken to improve the capacity and
                      Sodium  Bicarbonate: Sodium Bicarbonate is a low   capability of local and small vendors?
                    carbon product which helps in the reduction of       Yes, the Company has a vendor development programme.
                    carbon emission and thus reduces the impact on the   Over the years, the Company has promoted local contractors
                    environment.  National  Thermal Power Corporation   and service providers by providing them opportunities.
                    (‘NTPC’)  was  the  first  customer  where  after  several   Additionally, the Company has also promoted skills and
                    discussions  with  technology  providers,  the  Company   livelihood development in the neighbouring community
                    received trial orders to supply Sodium Bicarbonate to its   through various training and  community  development
                    Dadri Unit in National Capital Region. NTPC has plans to   programmes.  The  Company  has  also  established  an
                    adopt dry sorbent injection technology using Bicarb at   apprentice training centre to improve capacity and skills of
                    multiple units. It is expected that use of Bicarbonate in   more than 100 apprentices every year. The Company provides
                    Flue Gas treatment for addressing flue gas emissions has   support to people from socially backward community.
                    a promising potential for environmental sustainability
                    once it’s adopted by the national power producer. It can       The Company also keeps exploring development of suppliers
                    be adopted by small power producers as the regulations   from socially  and economically  backward communities.
                    tighten and are mandated by enforcement agencies.  The Company initiated a sponsored Professional
                    Highly Dispersible Silica (HDS): HDS is gaining   Training programme for developing functional skills and
                    significant attention as functional filler in energy   competencies of SC/ST and other socially and economically
                    efficient green tyres to improve mileage of automotive   backward candidates to make them capable of being
                    vehicles. Green tyre is a new product and consumers   employed in sales and marketing field.

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