Page 51 - Tata_Chemicals_2018-2019
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Integrated Annual Report 2018-19
Aligning people with the Organisation's goals
Our key focus areas from a peoples’ perspective is aligned to our long-term strategy of the enterprise, as below:
Evolving organisational structure to • Build digital capabilities to minimise the Enhance HR operational
support strategy impact of technology on work processes effectiveness
• Recast the organisation structure in line • Promote transformation at the individual • Design business segment and
with our new vision – emphasising on level and mindset change in line with industry relevant people practices
functional expertise, maintaining a close organisational transformation • Adapt to the changing regulations in
connect with customer and expediting respect of workforce and automation Integrated Report
product development Nurture and enhance employee of work processes to improve
• Build a flat, agile and cost competitive engagement productivity
structure • Align workforce with the new strategic • Enhance employee experience by
• Retain core values of integrity and ethics thrust and organisation agenda investing in an integrated cloud
• Deploy systems and processes • Provide career growth opportunities and technology HR platform
including continuous training and meaningful roles
building awareness on ethical practices, • Support managers to create an
corporate governance, regulatory engaging team climate United Nations’ Sustainable
compliances to cover all stakeholders • Undertake reward and recognition Development Goals
Building future capabilities • Focus on wellness, diversity and
• Address competency and skill gaps people-friendly workplace policies
in a diverse and multi-generational
workforce through opportunities
and platforms for re-skilling, learning,
experimenting and re-inventing On-roll Employee headcount as on March 31, 2019
themselves Statutory Reports
• Enhance leadership and managerial TCL India TCNA TCSA
capabilities for a rapidly changing
external environment Ncourage TCM Rallis Total
17 244 1,001 4,698
TCE TCIPL Metahelix
397 3 473
Diwali celebrations at Tata Chemicals Financial Statements