Page 37 - Tata_Chemicals_2018-2019
P. 37

Integrated Annual Report 2018-19

                Business risks

            Environmental risks               Profitability risks              Competition risks
            •  Changes in regulatory and      •  Rising fuel and labour costs  •  Increasing competition from the   Integrated Report
              environmental norms             •  Volatility in commodity prices  unorganised market, regional players
                                                                                 and private labels


            •  Increasing awareness of health and   •  Expanding our footprint along with   •  Cost optimisation and service-level
              wellness among consumers and     a focus on scaling-up portfolio with   improvement that helps us deliver
              their need for pure, consistent quality   differentiated offerings across various   an unmatched value proposition to
              and convenient choices is leading to   segments will enable us to reach more   customers and channel partners
              expanding market share of trusted   homes and cater to diverse regional   •  Leveraging digital technology across the
              brands like ours                 needs                             value chain


            Consolidate position in Tata Salt   Grow Tata Sampann portfolio    Wider reach and efficient            Statutory Reports
            and strengthen market share       •  Continue delivering pure and authentic   operations
            •  Undertake brand campaigns and   products with natural ingredients that   •  Continue building a future-ready
              market-specific activities       are tasty, nourishing and in keeping with   distribution network and scale up
            •  Nurture thought leadership to offer   consumer needs              modern retail and e-commerce channels
              innovative products like Tata Salt Lite   •  Expand offerings across various food   •  Leverage digital platforms and
              and Tata Salt Plus to address consumer   categories in innovative formats to   technologies to connect and engage
              nutritional needs                enhance convenience and elevate the   with customers, share product
            •  Leverage interesting new formats like   consumer’s cooking experience  knowledge and improve our presence
              Herbal Salt, Rock Salt and Black Salt to   •  Scale-up new products to drive rapid   across the value chain
              address specific consumer needs  growth                                                               Financial Statements

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