Page 18 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2018-19
P. 18

Business Model explaining the Interlinkage of Capitals

           MULTIPLE CAPITALS / KPIs              UoM 2018-19
           Total Capital Employed 1            C crores   24,317
           Capital Expenditure
              Standalone                       C crores   589    Governance                    Key aspects
              Consolidated                     C crores   1,082
                                                                 Mission, Vision, Values, Tata   •  Stakeholder engagement
           MANUFACTURED CAPITAL                                  Code of Conduct, Board and
           Property, plant and equipment   2   C crores  13,551                                •  Risks and opportunities
           Assets under construction 3         C crores  774     its Committees, Tata Business   •  External environment
           Manufacturing name plate capacity:                    Excellence Model, Quality
              Soda Ash                            KT    4,138    Policy, Whistleblower Policy,   •  Strategy and resource
              Sodium Bicarbonate                  KT    236      Code of Corporate Disclosure    allocation
              Branded Salt                        KT    1,035
              Cement                              KT    440      Practices
           Investment in Research & Development (standalone)  C crores  38
           R&D expenditure as % of revenues        %    0.9
           Patents filed                         Nos.    5                           Inputs
           Employees in R&D                      Nos.   224
           HUMAN CAPITAL
           Employees on payroll                  Nos.  4,698
           Employees off payroll                 Nos.  7,409
           Functional Training Coverage (unique employees)   %  72
           Training days per employee         Mandays/  3.4                 Principal business activities
           Employees covered under manager/ leader    Nos.  245
           development programme
           Safety Training                    Mandays /  1.54
           Spent on CSR initiatives            C crores  26                         Outputs
           Basic Chemistry Business
              No. of depots                      Nos.    23
              (TCL India: 13; TCNA: 2; TCSA: 1; TCE: 4; TCML: 3)
           Consumer Products Business
              Stockists                          Nos.   3,282
              CFAs                               Nos.    26                        Outcomes
              Distributors                       Nos.    42                      for stakeholders
           Specialty Products Business (Nutritional Solutions)
              Distributors (India and global)    Nos.    13
           Rainwater harvesting capacity installed   MCFT  396  OUTPUT
           Saplings planted                      Nos.  2.6 lakh
                                                                                               Organisation Total
           1.   Capital Employed = Total Assets less Total Current Liabilities plus Current Borrowings   UoM  2018-19
            plus Current Maturities from Non Current Borrowings and Finance Lease Obligation less
            Investment in Subsidiaries (Other than Rallis India Limited)  Branded Salt production #  KT  1,131
           2.  It includes Property, plant and equipment, Investment property, Goodwill on   Sodium Bicarbonate production  KT   220
            consolidation, Goodwill and Intangible assets    Soda Ash production                  KT      3,634
           3.  Assets under construction includes Capital work-in-progress and Intangible assets    Cement production   KT   409
            under development
                                                             #  includes I Shakti Salt
           4.  Cash and Cash Equivalents (including Deposits with < 12 months maturity and current
                                                                    For deeper insights into our Value Chain,
          *TCL India                                                please refer to page 14-15
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