Page 36 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                                                                                                                     Innovating for Green

           Key innovations during FY 2022-23
           Our R&D efforts translated into several breakthrough innovations across our business segments during the year.

           Specialty Materials              FOS & Nutrition                   Agrochemicals & Seeds                                     Delivering high-                 Developing bio-based               Innovating ‘Daksh
             Ÿ Green silica: Continuing the     Ÿ New FOS variants: Developed a new     Ÿ Developed multiple active                     performance HDS                  surfactants from                   Plus’ – a new pre-
             development of specialised grades of   variant of FOS powder, having low   ingredients based synergistic                   through green chemistry          sustainable sources                emergent herbicide
             highly dispersible silica (HDS) from rice   bulk density and low water activity,   herbicidal combination (RIL-401)
             husk ash (RHA) for tyre applications  to facilitate probiotics with longer   to control all types of weeds as post          t Tata Chemicals, it is our       ur Innovation Centre has          ur Daksh Plus innovation
             Ÿ Environment-friendly process for   shelf-life                    emergent application for wheat                        Aconstant endeavour to work       Odeveloped bio-based              Ois aimed at effective
                                                                                                                                                                        surfactant from agri waste, using
                                                                                                                                      on the science of silica to deliver
                                                                                                                                                                                                          management of weeds in
             silanes: Developed organic solvent-    Ÿ Development of healthy gummies     Ÿ Formulated “RALLIZIN”, a                   superior grade and value to the   Green Chemistry principles. Used   wheat. This new pre-emergent
             free process technology, having less   to help replace sugar with a sweet and   suspension-based highly efficient        customers. Towards this, we have   as an ingredient in detergents,   herbicide has been developed
             volatile organic compounds (VOCs), to   healthy prebiotic, scFOS, providing   micronutrient fertiliser, rich source of   customised our HDS to deliver     this bio-based surfactant will be   based on Superior Emulsion
             make tyre-grade silanes           healthier and guilt-free choice for end-  zinc for foliar application, that helps      better performance, safety,       a sustainable alternative to non-  Technology (SET). SET is an
             Ÿ Water-based ZnO grade developed   customers’ sweet tooth         in reducing heavy metal load in soil                  durability and fuel efficiency in   biodegradable surfactants. This   advanced emulsion technology
             with customers: Replaced organic     Ÿ Co-created innovative applications     Ÿ Established customised water-            tyres. Taking the green chemistry   patented product has proven     which provides higher efficacy
             solvent to create water-dispersible   of FOS with customers, to improve   soluble fertiliser as a platform               route, we have synthesised HDS    to be biodegradable, non-skin     and broadens the spectrum
             ZnO for personal care applications, to   mouth feel in end-products, leading to   technology for development of          from a sustainable source - rice   irritant, and non-flammable      of activity. It has very good
                                                                                                                                                                        during ongoing trials.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          selectivity, and is effective
                                                                                                                                      husk ash (RHA). It is designed to
             provide better UV protection      better customer delight          crop for apple, cotton, vegetables                    meet the unique needs of our                                        against all types of weeds,
                                               Ÿ Improved availability of bioactives   and grapes                                     customers, giving them the best                                     including Phalaris minor. With
                                               in medicinal plants through                                                            possible outcome.                                                   dual mode of action, it helps to
                                               Aeroponics (Davana, Rose                                                                                                                                   break the weed resistance more
                                               Geranium and Patchouli), leading to                                                                                                                        effectively.
                                               lower mortality of plants and increased
                                               natural oil content

           The way forward
           Specialty Materials              FOS & Nutrition                   Agrochemicals & Seeds
             Ÿ Next-generation Silica: Building     Ÿ Continued co-creation with customers     Ÿ Development of safer formulation
             product portfolio for catering to   for innovative FOS applications  developments (e.g. water-based,
             silicones, paints, and other emerging     Ÿ Encapsulations: Building encapsulation   vegetable oil-based, non-solvent-
             areas                             technology platform to enhance the   based)
                                               thermo-stability and increase the
             Ÿ Continued co-development:       shelf-life of minerals and bioactives    Ÿ Exploration of bio-based reaction
             Of various application-specific                                    systems for synthesising the products
             silica products to deliver science-    Ÿ Sustainable Next-generation   linked to the biological origin
                                               agricultural technologies: Enhancing
             differentiated product and solutions                                Ÿ Development of efficient solvent
                                               aeroponics and hydroponics
             Ÿ Sodium chemistry for batteries: Focus   technologies for the production of   recovery and recycling of reagents
             on developing sodium-based energy   bioactives from medicinal plants and   across all projects, to achieve the
             storage solutions for next-generation   creating awareness among the farming   process chemistry targets
             batteries                         community on sustainable agri-
                                               practices and opportunities
             Ÿ Biomass-based Bio-Energy: Focus
             on developing high-energy solutions     Ÿ Focus on strengthening fermentation-
             products (bio-briquettes, bioChar)   based platform through development
             from energy-rich biomass / agri-waste  of effective probiotics, synbiotics,
                                               Ÿ Seeding synthetic biology technology
                                               platform to develop high performance
                                               bio-enzymes for higher enzyme activity
                                                                                                                                   Location: Innovation Centre, Pune

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