Page 269 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 269

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 Description of Key Audit Matter  Litigations and claims (See Note 2.3.5, 2.26, 21 and 47 to Consolidated Financial Statements)
 Revenue recognition (See Note 2.18 and 27 to Consolidated Financial Statements)  The Key Audit Matter  How the matter was addressed in our audit
 The Key Audit Matter  How the matter was addressed in our audit  The Group operates in various countries exposing it to a variety   Our and other auditors' (referred hereafter as "We") audit
 Revenue is recognised when performance obligation is satisfied   Our and other auditors' (referred hereafter as "We") audit   of  different  laws,  regulations  and  interpretations  thereof.   procedures included :
 at a point in time by transferring the underlying products to   procedures included :  The  provisions  and  contingent  liabilities  relate  to  ongoing
 the customer.  litigations with and claims from various authorities. Litigations   •    Obtaining an understanding of actual and potential
 •    Assessing the revenue recognition accounting policies   and claims may arise from direct and indirect tax proceedings,   outstanding litigations and claims against the Group
 of the Group including accounting for sales returns and   legal proceedings, including regulatory and other government/  from the respective entity’s in-house Legal Counsel
 Revenue is measured based on transaction price, which is the   discounts for compliance with Ind AS;
 consideration, after deduction of estimated accruals for sales   department proceedings, as well as investigations by authorities   and other senior personnel of the Group and assessing
 returns and discounts (including rebates and incentives mainly   •    The Group has manual and automated (information   and commercial claims.  their responses;
 relating to one of the component (Rallis India Limited)).
 technology  –  IT)  controls  on  recording  revenue  and   Resolution of litigations and claims proceedings may span over   •    Testing the design, implementation and operating
 accruals for sales returns and discounts. We tested the   multiple years beyond March 31, 2023 due to the complexity   effectiveness of the Company’s controls on evaluating
 Due to the Group’s sales under various contractual terms and   design, implementation and operating effectiveness of
 across geographies, delivery to customers in different regions   these controls. We involved IT specialists for IT general and   and magnitude of the legal matters involved and may involve   litigations and claims.
 might take different time periods and may result in undelivered   application controls.  protracted negotiation or litigation.
 goods at the period end. We consider there to be a risk of    •    Assessing status of the litigations and claims based on
 misstatement of the Consolidated Financial Statements related   •    We tested controls around the timely and accurate   The determination of contingent liability requires significant   correspondence between the Group and the various tax/
 to transactions occurring close to the year end, as transactions   recording of sales transactions.  We also verified the   judgement by the Group because of the inherent complexity in   legal authorities and legal opinions obtained by the Group;
 could be recorded in the incorrect financial period (cut-off risk).  estimating future costs. The amount recognised as a provision
 management’s estimate of lead time assessment and   is the best estimate of the expenditure. The provisions and   •    Testing completeness of litigations and claims recorded
 quantification of any sales reversals for undelivered   contingent liabilities are subject to changes in the outcomes   by assessing the Group’s legal expenses and the minutes
 There is also a risk of revenue being overstated due to fraud
 through booking fictitious sales resulting from pressure on the   goods. In addition, we tested terms and conditions set   of litigations and claims over time as new facts emerge as each   of the Board meetings;
 Group to achieve performance targets during the year as well   out in the sales contracts and the transit time required to   legal case progresses and positions taken by the Group.  •    Assessing and challenging the Group’s estimate of the
 as at the reporting period end.  deliver the goods. For auditing assumptions of discounts
 and estimates of sales returns, we focused on controls   There is inherent complexity and magnitude of potential   possible outcome of litigations and claims. This is based on
 around the accurate recording of accruals for sales returns   exposures is significant across the Group. Significant judgment   the applicable tax laws and legal precedence by involving
 The recognition and measurement of discounts involves             our tax specialists in taxation related matters and internal/
 significant assumptions and estimates, particularly the expected   and discounts.  is necessary to estimate the likelihood, timing and amount   external legal counsel;
 level of claims of each customer.   of the cash outflows, interpretations of the legal aspects,
 Fraud and cut-off risk  legislations and judgements previously made by the authorities.
 Estimation of sales returns also involves significant judgement   •    Performing testing on selected statistical samples of   Accordingly, this is identified as a key audit matter.  •    Evaluating the Company’s internal control and judgements
 and estimates. These factors include,  for  example,  climatic   revenue transactions recorded throughout the year and   made by comparing the estimates of prior year to the
 conditions and the length of time between sales and sales   at the year end and checking delivery documents and   actual outcome;
 returns, some of which are beyond the control of the Group.   customer purchase orders (as applicable);
                                                               •    Assessing and testing the adequacy and completeness of
 Accordingly, revenue recognition including accruals for sales   •    Assessing high risk manual journals posted to revenue to   the Group’s disclosures in respect of litigations and claims.
 returns and discounts is a key audit matter.  identify unusual items.
 Accrual for sales returns and discounts
 •    Selecting samples of revenue transactions and verifying
 accruals for discounts in accordance with the eligibility
 criteria mentioned in the marketing circulars;

 •    Evaluating the Group’s ability to accurately estimate
 the accrual for sales returns and discounts. Comparing
 historically recorded accruals to the actual amount of sales
 returns and discounts.

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