Page 271 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 Impairment evaluation of Impairment of Property, Plant and Equipment (referred to as ‘PPE’), goodwill and mining rights   Employee benefits provision (See Note 2.20, 21 and 40 to Consolidated Financial Statements)
 (See Note 2.3.1, 2.16, 4(a), 7(a), 7(b) and 8(a) to Consolidated Financial Statements)
             The Key Audit Matter                             How the matter was addressed in our audit
 The Key Audit Matter  How the matter was addressed in our audit  The valuation of employee benefits by the Group’s UK and   Other auditors' audit procedures included :
 The Group periodically assesses if there are any triggers for   Our and other auditors' (referred hereafter as "We") audit   US subsidiaries is performed annually with the assistance of
 recognising impairment loss in respect of Property, plant   procedures included:  external independent actuaries.  •    Involving actuarial specialists to assist other auditors in
 and equipment relating to its Silica and Nutraceutical Cash       evaluating all pension plans;
 Generating Units (CGU) with respect to Tata Chemicals India   •    Analysing  the  indicators  of  impairment  of  PPE  and   This involves significant estimates and judgment. There are
 Limited, Property, plant and equipement with respect to Tata   Mining rights including understanding of Group’s  own   inherent uncertainties involved in estimating salary increase,   •    Assessing and testing the valuation methodology used by
 Chemicals Europe Limited and Winnington CHP Limited and   assessment of those indicators;   mortality rate, return on plan assets, discount rate and changes   the actuary;
 mining rights with respect to the Group’s US Operations. In   in provisions of pension laws.
 making this determination, the Group considers both internal   •    Evaluating the design and implementation and testing   •    Evaluating the competence and objectivity of the experts
 and external sources of information to determine whether there   the operating effectiveness of key controls over the   These estimates of the Group and judgements are considered   appointed by the Group;
 is an indicator of impairment and, accordingly, whether the   impairment assessment process.  This included the   to be significant to our overall audit strategy and planning. 
 recoverable amount of the CGU needs to be estimated.  estimation and approval of forecasts, determination of   Accordingly, we have considered employee benefits provision   •    Challenging assumptions used by the Group based
 key assumptions and valuation models and testing the   for the above components of the Group as a key audit matter.  on externally derived data in relation to key inputs
 The Group tests goodwill for impairment annually, or more   arithmetical accuracy of the impairment models;  such as inflationary expectations, discount rates and
 frequently when there is an indication that the cash generating   mortality rates with the assistance of other auditor’s
 unit to which goodwill has been allocated may be impaired.  •    Assessing the identification of relevant Cash Generating   actuarial specialists.
 Units (CGU) to which goodwill is allocated and to which
 An impairment loss is recognised if the recoverable amount   PPE and mining rights belong that are being tested;  •    Identifying any changes in actuarial assumptions resulting
 is lower than the carrying value. The recoverable amount is       into actuarial gain or loss;
 determined based on the higher of value in use (VIU) and fair   •    Evaluating the past performance of the CGUs with actual
 value less costs to sell (FVLCS).  performance where relevant and assessing historical   •    Performing sensitivity analysis on the assumptions with
 accuracy of the forecast producted by the Group;                  the assistance of actuarial specialists.
 As at March 31, 2023, carrying value of PPE of these CGUs was
 ` 1,557 crore, mining rights was ` 8,154 crore and Goodwill was   •    Challenging  the  assumptions  used  in  impairment   •    Assessing and testing the adequacy of disclosures of key
 ` 2,155 crore.  analysis, such as growth rate, discount rate, forecasted   assumptions and sensitivities in respect of the employee
 gross margins and forecasted revenue. This was based on           benefits provision.
 We identified the impairment assessment of PPE, goodwill   our knowledge of the Group and the markets in which
 and mining rights as a key audit matter since the assessment   the CGU operates. We took assistance of our valuation
 process is complex and judgmental by nature and is based on   specialists for the above testing;  Information Other than the Financial Statements   appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have
 assumptions relating to:  and Auditor’s Report Thereon        performed and based on the work done/audit reports of other
 •    Performing sensitivity analysis of the key assumptions,   auditors, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of
 •    Identifying Cash Generating Unit (‘CGU’) for allocation   such as growth rates, discount rate, forecasted gross   The Holding Company’s Management and Board of Directors   this other information, we are required to report that fact. We
 of goodwill;  margins and forecast revenue used in determining the   are responsible for the other information. The other information   have nothing to report in this regard.
 recoverable value;  comprises the information included in the Holding Company’s
 •   projected future cash inflows;  annual report, but does not include the financial statements and
 •   expected growth rate and profitability;  •    Assessing the adequacy of the Group’s disclosures of key   auditor’s report thereon.  Management's and Board of Directors'
                                                               Responsibilities for the Consolidated Financial
 assumptions, judgments and sensitivities in respect of
 •   discount rate; and                                        Statements
 Goodwill impairment.  Our opinion on the Consolidated Financial Statements does not
 •   perpetuity value based on long term growth rate;  cover the other information and we do not express any form of   The Holding Company’s Management and Board of Directors
            assurance conclusion thereon.                      are responsible for the preparation and presentation of
                                                               these  Consolidated Financial Statements in term of the
            In connection with our audit of the Consolidated Financial   requirements of the Act that give a true and fair view of the
            Statements, our responsibility is to read the other information   consolidated state of affairs, Consolidated Profit/Loss and
            and, in doing so, consider whether the other information   Other Comprehensive Income, Consolidated Statement of
            is materially inconsistent with the Consolidated Financial   Changes in Equity and Consolidated Cash Flows of the Group
            Statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise   including its associate and joint ventures in accordance

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