Page 216 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

                      and/  or  for  capital  appreciation.  Investment       is demonstrated, such that the project                     2.11  Financial instruments                               Subsequent measurement of debt instruments
                      properties are initially recognised at cost             will generate probable future economic                          2.11.1  Investments and other financial assets:    depends on the Company’s business model
                      including transaction costs. Subsequently               benefits; and                                                         Classification                               for managing the asset and the cash flow
                      investment properties comprising buildings are                                                                                                                             characteristics of the asset.  There are three
                      carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and         •     adequate resources are available to                            The Company classifies its financial assets   measurement categories into which the
                      accumulated impairment losses, if any.                  complete the project.                                                 in the following measurement categories:     Company classifies its debt instruments:

                        Depreciation on buildings is provided over the           These development costs are amortised over                         •       those to be measured                 •     Amortised cost
                      estimated useful lives as specified in note 2.5    the estimated useful life of the projects or the                                 subsequently at fair value (either             Assets that are held for collection of
                      above.  The residual values, estimated useful      products they are incorporated within.  The                                      through OCI, or through profit or            contractual cash flows, where those
                      lives and depreciation method of investment        amortisation of capitalised development costs                                    loss), and                                   cash flows represent solely payments
                      properties are reviewed, and adjusted on           begins as soon as the related product is released                                                                             of principal and interest, are measured
                      prospective basis as appropriate, at each          to production.                                                             •     those measured at amortised cost.            at  amortised  cost.  A  gain  or  loss  on  a
                      reporting date. The effects of any revision are                                                                                                                                  debt investment (unhedged) that is
                      included in the Standalone Statement of Profit      2.10   Non-current  assets  held  for  sale  and                          •       those measured at carrying                 subsequently measured at amortised
                      and Loss when the changes arise.                   discontinued operations                                                          cost for equity instruments                  cost is recognised in the Standalone
                                                                           Non-current assets (including disposal groups)                                 subsidiaries and joint ventures.             Statement of Profit and Loss when
                        An investment property is de-recognised          are classified as held for sale if their carrying                                                                             the asset is derecognised or impaired.
                      when either the investment property has been       amount will be recovered principally through a                              The classification depends on the                 Interest income from these financial
                      disposed of or do not meet the criteria of         sale transaction rather than through continuing                            Company’s business model for managing              assets is included in other income using
                      investment property i.e. when the investment       use and a sale is considered highly probable.                              the financial assets and the contractual           the effective interest rate (‘EIR’) method.
                      property is permanently withdrawn from use and                                                                                terms of the cash flows. For assets
                      no future economic benefit is expected from its           Non-current assets classified as held for sale are                  measured at fair value, gains and losses         •     Fair value through Other Comprehensive
                      disposal. The difference between the net disposal   measured at lower of their carrying amount and                            will either be recorded in the Standalone          Income (‘FVTOCI’)
                      proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset is   fair value less cost to sell.                                              Statement of Profit and Loss or through             Assets that are held for collection of
                      recognised in the Standalone Statement of Profit                                                                              OCI. For investments in debt instruments,          contractual  cash  flows  and  for  selling
                      and Loss in the period of de-recognition.            Non-current assets classified as held for sale                           this will depend on the business model
                                                                         are not depreciated or amortised from the date                             in which the investment is held. For               the financial assets, where the assets’
                2.9   Research and development expenses                  when they are classified as held for sale.                                 investments in equity instruments, this            cash flows represent solely payments
                                                                                                                                                    will depend on whether the Company                 of principal and interest, are measured
                        Research expenses are charged to the Standalone                                                                             has made an irrevocable election at the            at FVTOCI. Movements in the carrying
                      Statement of Profit and Loss as expenses in the           Non-current assets classified as held for sale                      time of initial recognition to account             amount are recorded through OCI, except
                      year in which they are incurred. Development       and the assets and liabilities of a disposal group                         for the equity investment at fair value            for the recognition of impairment gains
                      costs are capitalised as an intangible asset under   classified as held for sale are presented separately                     through OCI.                                       or losses, interest revenue and foreign
                      development when the following criteria are met:   from the other assets and liabilities in the
                                                                         Standalone Balance Sheet.                                                                                                     exchange  gains  or  losses  which  are
                      •       the project is clearly defined, and the                                                                                The Company reclassifies debt                     recognised in the Standalone Statement
                            costs  are separately  identified  and           A discontinued operation is a component of the                         investments when and only when its                 of Profit and Loss. When the financial
                            reliably measured;                           entity that has been disposed off or is classified                         business model for managing those                  asset is derecognised, the cumulative
                                                                         as held for sale and:                                                      assets changes.                                    gain or loss previously recognised in
                      •       the technical feasibility of the project                                                                                                                                 OCI is reclassified from equity to the
                            is demonstrated;                             •      represents a separate major line of                                 Debt instruments                                   Standalone Statement of Profit and Loss.
                                                                              business or geographical area of                                      Measurement                                        Interest income from these financial
                      •       the ability  to  use  or  sell  the             operations and;                                                                                                          assets is included in other income using
                            products  created  during  the  project                                                                                  A financial asset or financial liability is       the EIR method.
                            is demonstrated;                             •      is part of a single co-ordinated plan to                            initially measured at fair value plus, for
                                                                              dispose of such a line of business or area                            an item not at fair value through profit         •   Fair value through profit or loss (‘FVTPL’)
                      •       the intention to complete the project                                                                                 and loss (FVTPL), transaction costs that
                            exists and use or sale of output                  of operations.                                                        are directly attributable to its acquisition             Assets that do not meet the criteria for
                            manufactured during the project;                                                                                        or issue. Transaction costs of financial           amortised cost or FVTOCI are measured at
                                                                           The results of discontinued operations are                               assets carried at fair value through profit        FVTPL. A gain or loss on a debt investment
                      •       a potential market for the products        presented separately in the Standalone                                     or loss are expensed in the Standalone             (including current investments) that
                            created during the project exists or         Statement of Profit and Loss.                                              Statement of Profit and Loss.                      is subsequently measured at FVTPL
                            their usefulness, in case of internal use,                                                                                                                                 (unhedged) is recognised net in the

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