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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Corporate Governance Report

 are generated until the user successfully submits the      Compliance with Discretionary Requirements  Important weblinks for Corporate Information / Policies
 compliances, with provision for escalation to the higher-      The status of compliance with the discretionary
 ups in the hierarchy. The Board periodically reviews the   requirements as stated under Part E of Schedule II to the   Sr. No.  Particulars  Weblink
 compliance reports of all laws applicable to the Company.   SEBI Listing Regulations are as under:  1.  Tata Code of Conduct
 Any non-compliance is seriously taken up by the Board,   Booklet.pdf
 with measures to be taken for rectification of non-  The Board: The Non-Executive Chairman has a separate   2.  Code of Conduct for its Non-Executive Directors
 compliance, if any.  office which is not maintained by the Company.  3.  Code of corporate disclosure practices and Policy
                  on determination of Legitimate Purpose
 Shareholder Rights: The  quarterly/half-yearly/financial
    Green Initiative  performance of the Company is sent to all the Members   4.  Detailed profiles of the Directors
     As a responsible corporate citizen, the Company   whose email addresses are registered with the Company/   5.  Terms & Conditions of Independent Directors
 welcomes and supports the ‘Green Initiative’ undertaken   Depositories.  The results are also available on the   6.  Familiarisation programmes
 by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India,   Company’s website at:
 enabling electronic delivery of documents including   investors/financial-reports  7.  Remuneration Policy
 the Annual Report, quarterly/half-yearly/annual results,   8.  Related Party Transactions Policy
 amongst others, to the Members at their email addresses   Modified opinion(s) in Audit Report: During the year   9.  Policy on Archival
 previously registered with the Depository Participants   under review, there was no audit qualification in the   10.  Policy on Preservation of Documents
 (‘DPs’) and RTA. Members who have not registered their   Company’s Financial Statements. The Company continues   preservation-of-documents.pdf
 email addresses so far are requested to do the same.   to adopt best practices to ensure a regime of unmodified   11.  Policy on Determination of Materiality for
 Those holding shares in demat form can register their   audit opinion.  Disclosures of Events or Information
 email address with their concerned DPs. Members who   Separate posts of Chairperson and the Managing Director   12.  Dividend Distribution Policy
 hold shares in physical form are requested to register their   & CEO: The Chairman of the Board is a  Non-Executive   14.  Whistleblower Policy and Vigil Mechanism
 email addresses with the RTA.  Director and not  related to the Managing Director &    15.  Policy on interaction with Investors / Analysts
 CEO of the Company.  and Silent Period                  interaction-analysts-silent-period.pdf
    Mandatory Requirements
 Reporting of Internal Auditor: The Internal Auditor reports   16.  Information Security Policy
     The Company has complied with all the mandatory   to the Audit Committee.   security-policy.pdf
 requirements of the SEBI Listing Regulations relating to   17.  Details of unclaimed dividends
 Corporate Governance.
              18.  Details of Transfer of shares to IEPF
              19.  Quarterly / Half yearly / Annual Results
              20.  Policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment
                  at Workplace
              21.  Policy on Corporate Social Responsibility
              22.  Details of Corporate Social Responsibility
              23.  Policy for determining material subsidiaries
              24.  Stock Exchange Intimations  
              25.  Investor Service Request Forms

                                     DECLARATION BY THE MANAGING DIRECTOR & CEO
            TO THE MEMBERS OF

            I, R. Mukundan, Managing Director & CEO of Tata Chemicals Limited, hereby declare that all the Members of the Board of Directors
            and the Senior Management Personnel have affirmed compliance with the Code of Conduct, applicable to them as laid down by the
            Board of Directors in terms of Regulation 26(3) of the SEBI Listing Regulations for the year ended March 31, 2023.
                                                                                         For Tata Chemicals Limited
                                                                                                    R. Mukundan
                                                                                          Managing Director & CEO
                                                                                                   DIN: 00778253
            Mumbai, May 3, 2023

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