Page 139 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 139

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Board's Report

       At Innovation Centre, Pune:     (ii)   The steps taken by the Company for utilising   B.  Technology Absorption  •    Online moisture analyzer and online pH meter
 •    Installed 100 KW rooftop solar power panels.   alternate sources of energy:     (i)   The efforts made towards Technology   with Air Operated Diaphragm pump in Tyre
 Currently, the energy production stands at 450   •    Continuous usage of groundnut shell (Biofuel)   Absorption  grade stream
 Kwh/day and contributes to 20% of the total   briquette at 20% mixed feed ratio in boiler   At Mithapur:
 energy consumption  and Coal Fired Hot Air Generator at Cuddalore     •    Digitisation  – SAP generated  Certificate  of
 (CFHAG)            •    Commissioned Nano seawater technology for         Analysis in Lab
 •    This installation correlates to 3,000 tonnes of   brine purification in soda ash plant
 carbon emission abatement which could benefit   •    Biomass fuel has been started in CFBC Boilers   •    Mercury Porosity meter installed for  Tyre
 around 5,000 trees planted per annum  of Mithapur  •    Packing and pelletising machine for Bicarb and   grade product
 •    Shredded plastic, spent resin & oil have been   Vacuum Salt packing
 •    Having begun in January 2022, during the year,                   •   Technology absorption in ongoing projects
 103 tonnes of CO  reduction is achieved through   used in Cement plant of Mithapur  •    Commissioned Steam jet refrigeration plant for
 solar system  •    Roof  Top solar at Cuddalore has gone in to   chilled water system in Soda Ash plant           1.     Pearl dryer for manufacturing  of micro
 execution stage    •    Carbonation and de-carbonation design for             pearl silica with reduced dusting properties
 •    2 MW solar power plant for Mithapur township   refined sodium bicarbonate project  - Gen 2 silica
 is being executed
                    •    Flash dryer technology for refined sodium            2.     Conversion of Food Grade stream to Tyre
 (iii)   Capital Investment on Energy Conservation Equipments:  bicarbonate project  Grade stream
 ` in crore
                    At Mambattu:                                           3.     Rooftop solar project with capacity of
 Sr. No.  Project Description  Capex Cost                                      578 KW
                    •    Installed two solar dryers to dry hazardous
 In the Soda Ash Plant at Mithapur:
                        waste generated from effluent treatment plant,            4.     Membrane filtration technology for
 1.   WLDS Column replacement in Soda Ash Plant   3.84  thereby reducing the waste generation from    filtration of precipitated silica
 2.  Replacement of IBIL and B&W Boiler Bed coil and Bed Super Heater coil   0.76  479 MT to 222 MT in the 11 months of operation
 3.   Upgradation of air heater of MUW-3 and 4   0.80                      5.     Multi-fuel feeding technology in HAG for
                    •    Conducted feasibility study for  TADOX
 4.   Electrical projects for energy saving  0.29  technology (Advanced Oxydation Technology)   pearl dryer project
 5.   Pressure Filter Overhauling in cement plant   3.86  at lab scale level to treat the high COD (Chemical            6.     QDMS (Quality Document Management
 6.   Major overhauling of TT-7 and TT-12 topper turbines   1.08  Oxygen Demand) and BOD (Biological Oxygen   System)
 In the Silica Plant at Cuddalore:  Demand) effluents that are generated from
 7.   VFD for 22kW compressor and Melter recirculation   0.07  fermentation process. Based on trial it was      (ii)   The benefits derived like product
                        concluded as TADOX technology is not suitable   improvement, cost reduction, product
 8.   Diesel Generator overhauling   0.35  for high colour and high BOD effluent  development or import substitution
 9.   Harmonic Filter with D-tune filter   0.04                        •    Improved the throughput of spray dryer and
 10.   Boiler Steam trap heat recovery system   0.01  At Cuddalore:
                                                                           achieved highest production of 16 MTPD which
 11.   Food Grade CFHAG skin tube replacement   0.65  •    Installed membrane filter for filtration of   resulted in reduction of Specific consumption of
 12.   Energy Management System   0.03  Liquid silicate                    Steam and Power per MT of powder production
 In the Nutra Plant at Mambattu:  •    Manufacturing of HDS from Silicate produced   (Mambattu)
 13.   Installation of condensate recovery system to recover the process steam condensate   0.24  from Rice Husk Ash  •    Manufactured HDS silica from RHA imported
 14.   Installation of two solar dryer systems to dry the hazardous waste generated from ETP  0.15  •   Technology absorption in maintenance  from Bangladesh (Cuddalore)
 15.  Installation of VFD for boiler  0.07
                        1.     Special tools and tackles for optimisation   •    Commercial  production  of  Battery  separator
 Total   12.24              of maintenance time                            grade silica (TAVERSIL 150) (Cuddalore)
                        2.     Predictive maintenance for critical     •    Alternate fuel sources are being explored and
                                                                           implemented to reduce energy costs
                        3.   Digitisation of engineering log book
                                                                       •    Throughput improvement projects in progress
                        4.   In–house calibration of all flow meter        for dense ash & cement

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