Page 137 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 137

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Board's Report

 8.   Whether any capital assets have been created or acquired through Corporate Social Responsibility   Annexure 2 to Board’s Report
 amount spent in the Financial Year: No   Conservation of Energy, Technology Absorption and
    If Yes, enter the number of Capital assets created/acquired: Not applicable
            Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo
     Furnish the details relating to such asset(s) so created or acquired through Corporate Social Responsibility amount spent in the
 Financial Year:  [Pursuant to Section 134(3)(m) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 8(3) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014]

 Sl.  Short particulars of the   Pincode of   Date of   Amount   Details of entity/authority/beneficiary
 No.  property or asset(s)  the property  creation  of CSR   of the registered owner
 [including complete   or asset(s)  amount   A.  Conservation of Energy          Measures undertaken in Electrical Systems at
 address and location of   spent     (i)   The steps taken or impact on Conservation of   Mithapur:
 the property]      Energy:                                            •   Energy monitoring system at Power plant
 (1)  (2)  (3)  (4)  (5)  (6)          Following Lean Six Sigma (‘LSS’) and non-LSS projects   •    New capital projects being undertaken with
                    were undertaken during FY 2022-23:                     energy efficient motors, energy efficient lighting
 CSR Registration   Name  Registered
 Number, if   Address        In Soda Ash Plant at Mithapur:                and high efficiency distribution transformers
                    •   Waste Reduction in packaging at Soda ash plant        In Plant at Mambattu:
                    •    Reduction in 20 pound per square inch pressure   •    Installed two solar dryers to dry the hazardous
                                                                           waste generated from Effluent Treatment Plant
 9.   Specify the reason(s), if the Company has failed to spend two percent of the average net profit as   steam consumption at still and Weak Liquor   (ETP) and reduced waste generation to 53%
 per sub-section (5) of Section 135:   Distillation System (WLDS)

    Not Applicable  •    Replacement of Shell & Tube coolers with Plate   •    Installed condensate recovery system to recover
                                                                           the steam condensate from process
                        Heat Exchangers (PHEs) in Soda Ammonia
    R. Mukundan   S. Padmanabhan  Absorber (under execution)           •    Installed  Variable Frequency Drive (‘VFD’) in
    Managing Director & CEO   Chairman-CSR Committee  •   Replacement of WLDS column   boiler to reduce the power consumption
    DIN: 00778253   DIN: 00306299
                                                                       In Silica Plant at Cuddalore:
                    In Make-Up Water (‘MUW’) Plants at Mithapur:
    Mumbai, May 3, 2023   Mumbai, May 3, 2023                          •    Increased capacity utilisation from 67% in
                    •    Improvement in Fluidised Bed Drier availability
                        at MUW-4                                           FY 2021-22 to 82% in FY 2022-23
                    •   Upgradation of air heater of MUW-3 and 4       •    Reduction in energy loss at Coal Fired Hot Air
                                                                           Generator and Dryer
                    In Cement Plant at Mithapur:                           1.     Insulation at cage mill section and
                    •    Improved Cement Mill throughput by use of             replacement of duct bellows
                        grinding aid
                                                                           2.     Fine tuning of operation parameters to
                    •    Consumption of Siberian & South African               reduce stack inlet temperature
                        anthracite fines and coke fines generated from   •    Boiler Automation and Steam trap heat
                        chemical complex
                                                                           recovery system
                    •    Energy audit by Pricewaterhouse Coopers       •    Diesel Generator major overhauling done for
                        in progress
                                                                           reduction in diesel consumption and increased
                    •    Reduction in power consumption and availability   DG efficiency
                        by replacing limestone crusher vibrating screen   •    Optimisation of specific consumption of power
                        with drive belt conveyor
                                                                           done by:
                      Energy efficiency projects in Power Plant at            1.   Installation of Energy Management System
                                                                           2.     Installation of VFDs at various sections for
                    •    Improvement of heat recovery and transfer
                        process in the power plant to reduce heat losses       reduction of power consumption

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