Page 135 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 135

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Board's Report

 Annexure 1 to Board’s Report     (e)  CSR amount spent or unspent for the Financial Year:
 Annual Report on CSR Activities  Total Amount                  Amount Unspent (in `)

 [Pursuant to Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’) & Rules made thereunder]  Spent for the   Total Amount transferred to   Amount transferred to any fund specified under
                       Financial Year   Unspent CSR Account as per    Schedule VII as per second proviso to sub-section (5)
 1.  Brief outline on CSR Policy of the Company:  3.   Provide the web-link(s) where Composition   (in ` crore)  sub-section (6) of section 135  of section 135
     Tata Chemicals Limited (‘the Company’) is committed   of CSR Committee, CSR Policy and CSR   Amount  Date of Transfer  Name of the Fund  Amount  Date of Transfer
 to upholding the highest standards of Corporate Social   Projects approved by the Board are disclosed   15.51  NOT APPLICABLE
 Responsibility (‘CSR’). The Company endorses the Tata   on the website of the Company:
 Group’s purpose of improving the quality of life of the
 communities it serves through long-term stakeholder value   resources     (f)  Excess amount for set-off, if any:
 creation. The Company believes in positively impacting
 the environment and supporting the communities it   4.   Provide the executive summary along with   Sl.   Particular  Amount
 operates in, and its objectives are aligned to United Nations   web-link(s) of Impact Assessment of CSR   No.  (in ` crore)
 Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) focussing on   Projects carried out in pursuance of sub-rule   (1)  (2)  (3)
 sustainability of its programmes and empowerment of   (3) of rule 8, if applicable:  (i)  Two percent of average net profit of the Company as per sub-Section (5) of Section 135    13.39
 its communities.      The Company will conduct impact assessment of the
     The Company has framed a CSR Policy in compliance with   eligible projects upon their completion in terms of the   (ii)  Total amount spent for the Financial Year  15.51
 the provisions of the Act, as amended, which is available   Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy)
 on the Company’s website at https://www.tatachemicals.   Amendment Rules, 2021.  (iii)  Excess amount spent for the Financial Year [(ii)-(i)]  2.12
 com/CSRPolicy2021.htm.  (iv)  Surplus arising out of the CSR projects or programmes or activities of the previous Financial   N.A.
     The Company has been conducting impact assessments   Years, if any
 2.  Composition of CSR Committee:  voluntarily to monitor and evaluate its strategic CSR
 programmes from time to time. During FY 2022-23, the   (v)  Amount available for set-off in succeeding Financial Years [(iii)-(iv)]  2.12
 Sl.  Name of   Designation  Number of   Number of   Company has undertaken an Impact Assessment study of
 No.  Director  / Nature of   meetings   meetings
 Directorship  of CSR   of CSR   its Health and Nutrition Project at Amravati and Barwani
 Committee   Committee   Districts. The study has been conducted by CRISIL, an
 held during   attended   independent external agency. The study not only details   7.  Details of Unspent Corporate Social Responsibility amount for the preceding three Financial Years:
 the year  during the
 year  the impact and the benefits accrued by the community,   1  2  3  4  5  6              7           8
 1.  Mr. S.   Non-Executive   3  3  it also proposes some recommendations. The Impact   Sl.  Preceding   Amount   Balance Amount   Amount   Amount transferred to a Fund   Amount   Deficiency,
 Padmanabhan   Non-Independent   Assessment Report of the study undertaken voluntarily   No.  Financial   transferred to   in Unspent CSR  Spent in the  as specified under Schedule   remaining to   if any
 (Chairman)  Director  is uploaded on the website at: https://www.tatachemicals.  Year(s)  Unspent CSR   Account under   Financial   VII as per second proviso to   be spent in
 2.  Dr. C. V. Natraj   Independent   3  3  com/investors/investor-resources  Account under   sub-Section (6) of  Year (in `)  sub-Section (5) of Section   succeeding
 Director                     sub-Section (6) of  Section 135            135, if any     Financial Years
 3.  Mr. R.   Managing Director   3  3  Section 135    (in `)                               (in `)
 Mukundan  and CEO
                                  (in `)
                                                                    Amount     Date of
 5.   (a)   Average net profit of the Company as per sub-section (5) of section 135: ` 669.39 crore for the preceding three   (in `)  Transfer
 financial years
                                                         NOT APPLICABLE
    (b)  Two percent of average net profit of the Company as per sub-section (5) of section 135: ` 13.39 crore

    (c)  Surplus arising out of the CSR Projects or programmes or activities of the previous financial years: N.A.
    (d)  Amount required to be set-off for the financial year, if any: NIL
    (e)  Total CSR obligation for the financial year [(b)+(c)-(d)]: ` 13.39 crore
 6.   (a)  Amount spent on CSR Projects (both Ongoing Project and other than Ongoing Project): ` 14.88 crore

    (b)  Amount spent in Administrative Overheads: ` 0.53 crore
    (c)  Amount spent on Impact Assessment, if applicable: ` 0.10 crore

    (d)  Total amount spent for the Financial Year [(a)+(b)+(c)]: ` 15.51 crore

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