Page 123 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Board's Report

 Board‘s Report   from continuing operations increased to ` 2,740 crore in   Soda Ash demand is also driven by Solar Glass (used
                                                                   in Solar Electricity generation) and Lithium Carbonate.
                FY 2022-23 from ` 1,667 crore in FY 2021-22, up by 64%.
                                                                   The Specialty Products will focus on maximising value with
            3.2  Standalone:                                       a sustainable portfolio, low carbon footprint Specialty Silica
                 On  a  standalone  basis,  the  revenue  from  operations    and Prebiotics based on fermentation platform.
 The Directors hereby present their Eighty-Fourth (84 ) Annual Report on the performance of Tata Chemicals Limited (‘the Company’)
 together with the Audited Financial Statements for the Financial Year (‘FY’) ended March 31, 2023.  increased  to  `  4,930 crore in  FY 2022-23  from
                ` 3,721 crore in FY 2021-22. The increase was mainly on   5.1  Basic Chemistry Products
 1.  Financial Results  account of higher soda ash prices prevailing throughout      Standalone (India)
 `  in crore    the year.  Profit before tax from continuing operations       For FY 2022-23, the revenues from the Basic Chemistry
 Standalone   Consolidated  stood at ` 1,265 crore in FY 2022-23 against ` 988 crore    Products business stood at ` 4,698 crore, higher by 35%.
 Particulars  Year ended   Year ended   Year ended   Year ended   in FY 2021-22, up by 28%.
 March 31, 2023 March 31, 2022 March 31, 2023 March 31, 2022         Soda Ash
                 For more details on the Consolidated and Standalone
 Revenue from continuing operations   4,930    3,721    16,789    12,622       Indian soda ash demand remained steady during
                performance, please refer to Management Discussion
 Profit before depreciation and finance costs   1,536    1,229    4,040    2,550   & Analysis.  FY 2022-23, growing at around 4.0-4.5%, driven mainly
 Depreciation and amortisation expense   245    222    892    806   by container, flat and solar glass segments. Considering
                                                                   annual solar installations of 20–25 GW, solar glass is
 Profit before finance costs   1,291    1,007    3,148   1,744   4.  Management Discussion & Analysis  expected to remain a key demand driver. Increasing
 Finance costs   26    19    406    303       The Management Discussion & Analysis, as required in   supply chain costs and rise in global soda ash prices
                terms of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing
 Profit before share of profit of joint ventures and tax   1,265    988    2,742    1,441   resulted in import parcels coming at higher prices.
                Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
 Share of profit of joint ventures    -      -      (2)    226   2015 (‘SEBI Listing Regulations’), forms part of this   Domestic availability remained normal with no major
 Profit before tax    1,265    988    2,740    1,667   Integrated Annual Report.  outages and high operating rates due to steady demand.
                                                                   Availability of imported material was tight in the first half
 Tax expense   238    201    288    267                            of the year but started to ease in second half of the year
 Profit from continuing operations after tax   1,027    787    2,452    1,400   5.  Business Overview  with  easing  of  supply  chains  and  lower  ocean  freight
                 The Company has two business segments viz. Basic
 Profit from discontinued operations after tax  -  15  (18)  5     rates. Coal prices remained volatile and surged after the
                Chemistry Products and Specialty Products.
 Profit for the year   1,027    802    2,434    1,405              Russia-Ukraine conflict. This kept the production costs
                                                                   higher, though some of this was passed on to customers.
 Attributable to:      Basic Chemistry segment comprises inorganic chemicals   Prices began to fall in the second half, but high inflationary
  - Equity shareholders of the Company   1,027    802    2,317    1,258   led by Soda Ash, Salt and Sodium Bicarbonate. Scale,   pressures kept demand and margins under control. Soda
                supply chain efficiencies and customer relationships drive
  - Non-controlling interests   -      -      117    147           ash realisations improved during FY 2022-23 resulting
                this business. This segment has manufacturing operations
 Other comprehensive income ('OCI')  (59)    1,538    (531)   2,959  spread across four continents viz. North America (USA),   in increase in  revenues  and  EBITDA  over FY  2021-22.
 Total comprehensive income   968    2,340   1,903  4,364  Europe (UK), Africa (Kenya) and Asia (India). These inorganic   Higher than expected demand coupled with supply
 Balance in Retained earnings at the beginning of the year  6,642  6,078  7,616  6,255  chemicals primarily service industries such as Glass   constraints and a pressure of increased input and energy
                                                                   cost led to increased pricing.
 Profit for the year  1,027  802  2,317  1,258  (Automotive, Architectural & Container), Detergent, Food,
 (attributable to equity shareholders of the Company)  Pharma, Animal Feed and Industrial Chemicals.      Sales of soda ash for FY 2022-23 stood at 6.5 lakh Metric
 Remeasurement of defined employee benefit plans (net of tax)  6  17  (33)  358  Tonne (‘MT’), a decrease of 5% over the previous year.
                 Specialty Products portfolio is driven by Chemistry-led
 Dividend  (318)  (255)  (318)  (255)  differentiation. The Company has three key products in
 Balance in retained earnings at the end of the year  7,357  6,642  9,582  7,616  this segment comprising Specialty Silica, Prebiotics and        Sodium Bicarbonate
                Agri inputs. Specialty Silica range serves Food, Rubber and       Sales of sodium bicarbonate stood at 1.2 lakh MT, same as
                Tyre industry. Prebiotics and Formulations are targeted at   last year.
 2.  Dividend  3.   Performance Review & State of Company’s   Food, Animal Feed and Pharmaceutical applications. Rallis
     For FY 2022-23, the Board of Directors has recommended   Affairs  India Limited ('Rallis'), a listed subsidiary of the Company,       The  Company  markets four  value-added  grades  of
                                                                   Bicarb – Medikarb (pharma grade), Sodakarb (food grade),
 a dividend of ` 17.50 per share i.e. 175% (previous year    3.1  Consolidated:  produces and markets range of Agri inputs including Seeds
 ` 12.50 per share i.e. 125%) on the Ordinary Shares of       On a consolidated basis, the revenue from operations   for Indian and overseas farmers.  Alkakarb (feed grade) and Speckarb (industrial grade).
 the Company. If declared at the ensuing Annual General    increased to ` 16,789 crore in FY 2022-23 from ` 12,622 crore   Salt
 Meeting (‘AGM’), the total dividend outgo during FY 2023-24   in FY 2021-22. The increase was mainly on account of higher       The Company is increasing its focus on Green Chemistry
 would amount to ` 446 crore (previous year ` 318 crore).  soda ash prices across geographies. The profit before tax   with Sustainability as a key driver of value. Basic Chemistry       The demand for salt was higher from the Company’s key
                will scale further by adding capacities of the core products   customer, Tata Consumer Products Limited, during the year
                and  leveraging cost  competitiveness.  The  growth  in   and the production was increased appropriately to meet

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