Page 121 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
P. 121

Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements
                                      Business Responsibility &
                                      Sustainability Report

 3.   Number of consumer complaints in respect of the following:      The Company conducts meetings with the consumers including farmers on field days whereby they are educated about the
                correct dosage, time of application as well as correct methods to use the Company’s products. Further, product leaflets are also
 FY 2022-23  FY 2021-22
 Received   Pending   Remarks  Received   Pending   Remarks  provided in various languages with each package.
 during   resolution at   during   resolution at
 the year  the end of year  the year  the end of year  3.    Mechanisms in place to inform consumers of any risk of disruption/discontinuation of essential services.
 Data Privacy  0  0  Nil  0  0  Nil      The Company informs through Chem-connect portals, emails and phone calls.
 Advertising  0  0  Nil  0  0  Nil  4.    Does the entity display product information on the product over and above what is mandated as per local laws? (Yes/No/Not
 Cyber-security  0  0  Nil  0  0  Nil  Applicable) If yes, provide details in brief. Did your entity carry out any survey with regard to consumer satisfaction relating to
 Delivery of Essential Services  0  0  Nil  0  0  Nil  the major products / services of the entity, significant locations of operation of the entity or the entity as a whole? (Yes/No)
 Restrictive Trade Practices  0  0  Nil  0  0  Nil     The product information is specified as per regulations.
 Unfair Trade Practices  0  0  Nil  0  0  Nil
 Other  0  0  Nil  0  0  Nil  5.    Provide the following information relating to data breaches:
                a.    Number of instances of data breaches along with impact
 4.   Details of instances of product recalls on account of safety issues:
                    Zero data breaches incidents in the last financial year.
                b.    Percentage of data breaches involving personally identifiable information of customers
 5.    Does the entity have a framework/policy on cyber security and risks related to data privacy? (Yes/No) If available, provide
 a web-link of the policy.  Not Applicable
     TCL’s approach to cybersecurity is included in its Information Security Policy.  In brief it covers handling and protection of the
 Company’s information & assets and targets that it is available all the time to respective stakeholders. The policy also clearly
 defines roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders for protection of the information and handling of the cyber incidents.
 IT security policy is available on the Company’s website. The policy can be accessed by using link https://www.tatachemicals.
 6.    Provide details of any corrective actions taken or underway on issues relating to advertising, and delivery of essential
 services; cyber security and data privacy of customers; re-occurrence of instances of product recalls; penalty / action taken
 by regulatory authorities on safety of products / services.
     Active monitoring of the cyber security for Tata Chemicals has been outsourced and managed by third party experts. The regular
 reviews are conducted, and corrective actions are taken to improve the cyber security posture.

     Safeguards for ensuring data privacy requirements are being evaluated with reference to global best practices and are being
 introduced in Tata Chemicals.  Subsidiaries operating in jurisdictions like the EU which have GDPR (General Data Protection
 Regulations), are already compliant with the relevant data privacy laws. Systems and process are being reviewed and improved
 to enhance the protection of PI (Personal Information) data.

     No issues related to advertising and delivery of essential services. No action by any regulatory authority, and no issues on safety
 of the product. Data privacy requirements are being evaluated with respect to proposed personal data privacy law. The actions
 will be taken as per data privacy law.

 Leadership Indicators
 1.    Channels / platforms where information on products and services of the entity can be accessed (provide web link, if available).
     Tata Chemicals Limited - Information relating to all products of the Company are
 available on the website at Additionally, it is also available on the ‘Rallis Krishi Samadhan’ - an App and various
 social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

 2.    Steps taken to inform and educate consumers about safe and responsible usage of products and/or services.
     Tata Chemicals product has a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) which provides information about safe and responsible usage
 of product. The MSDS is included in all shipping information.

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