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            ACE - Agile, Competitive, Excellence              EIGA - European Industrial Gases Association
            AI - Artificial Intelligence                      EPR - Extended Producer Responsibility
            AI/ML - Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning   ESAPA -  European Soda Ash Producers Association

            ANSAC - American Natural Soda Ash Corporation     ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance
            BCCI - Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry    ETP - Effluent Treatment Plant
            BCP - Business Continuity Plans                   EV - Electric Vehicle
            BD - Business Development                         F&B - Food and Beverage

            CCU - Carbon Capture and Utilisation facility     FCF - Free Cash Flows
            CDP - Career Development Plan                     FICCI - Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry
            CEO - Chief Executive Officer                     FOS - Fructo oligosaccharide
            CFT - Cross-Functional Teams                      FSSAI - Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
            CHP - Combined Heat and Power Plant               GETs - Graduate Engineer Trainees
            CIA - Chemical Industrial Association             GHG - Greenhouse Gas

            CII - Confederation of Indian Industry            GOS - Galacto–oligosaccharide
            COA - Contract of Affreightment                   GPS - Global Positioning System
            COO - Chief Operating Officer                     GRI - Global Reporting Initiative
            CORE - Code for Responsible Extraction            HAZOP - Hazard and Operability Study

            COSO -  Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway   HDS - Highly Dispersible Silica
            Commission                                        HFO - Heavy fuel oil
            CRM - Customer Relationship Management
                                                              HIRA - Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis
            C-SAFE - Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Agriculture & Farm   HRMS - Human Resource Management Systems
                                                              IBBI - India Business & Biodiversity Initiative
            C-SCAPES - Centre for Sustainable Conservation Action for
            Protection of Ecosystems of the Seas              IBC - Intermediate Bulk Container
            CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility             IC - Innovation Centre

            CY - Current Year                                 ICC - Indian Chamber of Commerce
            DJSI - Dow Jones Sustainability Indices           ICDs - Inland Container Depots
            DSI -  Dry Sorbent Injection                      ICT - Indian Chemical Technology
                                                              IGBC - Indian Green Building Council
            DVA - Digital Value Assessment
            EBITDA  - Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and   IIoT - Industrial Internet of Things
            amortisation                                      IIRC - International Integrated Reporting Council
            ECRM - Electronic Customer Relationship Management  IMA - Industrial Minerals Association
            EDR - Endpoint Detection and Response             IR - Integrated Reporting

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