Page 311 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2021-22
P. 311


                Ageing Schedule
                As on March 31, 2022                                                                   ` in crore
                                                                     Outstanding for following
                                                                   period from due date of payment
                 Particulars                                                Less                More      Total
                                                          Unbilled  Not    than 1   1-2   2-3   than 3
                                                                    Due            years  years
                                                                            Year                years
                 (i)  MSME                                   10.01    8.92    0.66      -      -      -      19.59
                 (ii)  Others                               900.98   1,084.54    322.91    14.77    5.06    83.12   2,411.38
                 (iii)  Disputed dues - MSME                     -       -       -      -      -      -       -
                 (iv)  Disputed dues - Others                    -       -       -      -      13.29    0.42    13.71
                 Total                                      910.99  1,093.46    323.57   14.77   18.35    83.54  2,444.68

                As on March 31, 2021                                                                   ` in crore
                                                                     Outstanding for following
                                                                   period from due date of payment
                 Particulars                                                Less                More      Total
                                                          Unbilled  Not    than 1   1-2   2-3   than 3
                                                                    Due            years  years
                                                                            Year                years
                 (i)  MSME                                    15.54    5.47    0.41     -      -      0.01    21.43
                 (ii)  Others                                744.23    514.61    284.71    12.73    4.71    86.57   1,647.56
                 (iii)  Disputed dues - MSME                     -       -       -      -      -      -       -
                 (iv)  Disputed dues - Others                    -       -       -      13.46    -      0.42    13.88
                 Total                                      759.77    520.08    285.12   26.19    4.71    87.00  1,682.87
            26.  Assets classified as held for sale
                                                                                                       ` in crore
                                                                                           As at          As at
                                                                                   March 31, 2022  March 31, 2021
             (a)  Assets classified as held for sale
                 (i)   Assets held for sale (footnote ā€˜iā€™)                                   4.14          4.14
                                                                                            4.14           4.14

            (i)    The Group intends to dispose off freehold land and buildings which it no longer utilises in the next 12 months. The Group is currently
                in negotiation with some potential buyers. No impairment loss was recognised on reclassification of the assets as held for sale nor as
                at reporting date as the management of the Group expect that the fair value (estimated based on the recent market prices of similar
                assets in similar locations) less costs to sell is higher than the carrying amount.

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