Page 28 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2020-2021
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Integrated Report   Statutory Reports   Financial Statements
                                                                                      Integrated Annual Report 2020-21              Managing Finances Prudently  60-146     147-300

                                                                                                                                   strategic performance

                        FInAnCIAL CAPITAL
                        Managing Finances Prudently                                                                                Revenues (` in Cr.)                eBITDA and eBITDA margin           PAT and PAT margin*

                                                                                                                                      10,337   10,357  10,200                     1,949                     1,163
           our goal is to maximise value for our shareholders and ensure long-term business sustainability with                                                          1,780                                       1,028
           optimal capital allocation strategy. our business and balance sheet position, defined by strong cash flows                                                                      1,501
           and manageable debt levels, protect our financial capital and support our growth.                                                                                         19%
                                                                                                                                                                                                               11%      10%
           sDGs impacted                              Financial Capital management                                                                                                            15%                             436
                                                      FCF generation is essential to fund our growth operations (existing
                                                      and newly seeded ventures) and pay dividends to shareholders.                                                                                                              4%
                                                      We have a robust internal strategic planning process, for maximising
                                                      financial returns and FCF. Surplus funds are held in a basket of              FY 2018-19  FY 2019-20  FY 2020-21  FY 2018-19  FY 2019-20  FY 2020-21  FY 2018-19  FY 2019-20  FY 2020-21
                                                      investments, including highly rated fixed deposits for immediate
            Financial Capital                         access to cash and in businesses that deliver maximum returns on                                                    EBITDA (` in Cr.)  EBITDA margin (%)  PAT (` in Cr.)  PAT margin (%)
            priorities                                invested capital. Our investment plan is aligned to strategy and                                                                                   *Continuing operations only
            ensure higher free cash                   market conditions.
            flows (FCF) to fund
            growth, reduce debt and                                                                                                Cash from operations (` in Cr.)    net debt: equity                   net debt: eBITDA
            pay dividends
                                    strategic focus                                                                                                     2,037                     0.29                                        2.6
            Financial Capital                                                                                                                  1,780                                       0.26                       2.1
            goals                   We are witnessing a recovery in the chemical sector and                                           1,581
                                    customer demand. Plant operations are near to, or have
            To maximise             even surpassed, pre-Covid levels.
            shareholders value
            Invest in high margin and   We aim to grow our business verticals with a sustained                                                                            0.13                               1.1
            high value products and   focus on improving cash returns through efficiency and productivity and strengthening balance
            business                sheet through minimising financial leverage. Our robust financial planning process enables right
            Maintain optimum        balance between cash conservation and business investments leading to optimal debt reduction.
            level of liquidity with   Existing loans are being retired or refinanced to maintain a flexible capital structure.
            sustainable growth                                                                                                      FY 2018-19  FY 2019-20  FY 2020-21  FY 2018-19  FY 2019-20  FY 2020-21  FY 2018-19  FY 2019-20  FY 2020-21

                                                                                                                                   operating working capital (` in Cr.)  earnings Per share* (`)        Market capitalisation (` in Cr.)
                                                                         Focus on growth opportunities                                         1,818                      37                                                 19,153
                                                                         We are undertaking expansion at the Mithapur                                                              32
                                                                         plant, towards de-bottlenecking and brownfield                                  1,401                                             15,000
                                                                         expansion of Salt, Soda Ash and Sodium
                                                                         Bicarbonate. Increase in Salt production will
                                                                         support our agreement with Tata Consumer
                                    Respective businesses responsible    Products Limited. We are on track with UK’s
                                    for their own cash flow                                                                                                                                 10                      5,695
                                                                         largest carbon capture and usage plant (CCU),
                                    We make each business unit responsible for   along with a new power plant for the UK
                                    generating cash to fund its own operations.   Salt operation. This will significantly reduce
                                    This ensures each BU takes optimal steps to   TCE’s carbon footprint and enhance its export     FY 2018-19  FY 2019-20  FY 2020-21  FY 2018-19  FY 2019-20  FY 2020-21  FY 2018-19  FY 2019-20  FY 2020-21
                                    reduce expenses and enhance efficiency.  competitiveness.                                      Operating Working Capital = Inventories plus   *Continuing operations  Market Capitalisation Based on Closing Price as
                                                                                                                                   Receivables minus Payables                                           on March 31
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