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Integrated report            Statutory reportS            FInancIal StatementS
                                                     Board's Report

                                                                                     Annexure 3 to Board’s Report
            Criteria for Determining Qualifications, Positive

            Attributes and Independence of Directors

            1.  Definition of Independence                         5.   not achieve or attempt to achieve any undue gain or
                •   a  director  will  be  considered  as  an  ‘Independent   advantage either to himself or to his relatives, partners,
                    director’ (‘Id’) if the person meets with the criteria for   or associates.
                    ‘Independent director’ as laid down in the Companies   6.   not assign his office.
                    act, 2013 (‘the act’) and SeBI (listing obligations and   additionally, the directors on the Board of a tata company
                    disclosure  requirements)  regulations 2015 (‘listing   are also expected to demonstrate high standards of ethical
                    regulations’).                                 behaviour, strong interpersonal and communication skills
                •   the definition of Independent director is as provided in   and soundness of judgement.
                    the act and listing regulations.               Ids are also expected to abide by the ‘Code for Independent
                •   Current and ex-employees of a  tata company  may   directors’ as outlined in Schedule IV to Section 149(8) of
                    be considered as independent only if he/she  has or   the  act and adopted by the Board.  the Code specifies
                    had no pecuniary relationship with any tata company   the  guidelines  of professional  conduct, role  and function
                    (due to employment/receipt of monthly pension by   and duties of Independent  directors.  the guidelines of
                    way of Special retirement Benefits/holding consultant   professional conduct specified in the Code are as follows:
                    or advisor positions) during the two immediately   an Independent director shall:
                    preceeding financial years or during the current   1.   uphold ethical standards of integrity and probity;
                    financial year.
            2.  Qualifications of Directors                        2.   act objectively and constructively while exercising his
                •   Boards will ensure that a transparent board nomination   3.   exercise his responsibilities in a bona fide manner in the
                    process is in place that encourages diversity of thought,   interest of the company;
                    experience, knowledge, perspective, age and gender.  4.   devote sufficient time and attention to his professional
                •   It is expected that boards have an appropriate blend of   obligations for informed  and balanced  decision
                    functional and industry expertise.                 making;
                •   While recommending appointment  of  a  director,  it   5.   not allow any extraneous considerations that will vitiate
                    is expected that the  nomination and  remuneration   his  exercise  of objective  independent  judgement  in
                    Committee (‘nrC’) consider the manner in which     the paramount interest of the company as a whole,
                    the  function  and  domain  expertise  of  the  individual   while concurring in or dissenting from the collective
                    contributes to the overall skill-domain mix of the Board.  judgement of the Board in its decision making;
                •   Ids ideally should be thought/practice leaders in their   6.   not abuse his position to the detriment of the company
                    respective functions/domains.                      or its shareholders or for the purpose of gaining direct
            3.  Positive attributes of Directors                       or indirect personal advantage or advantage for any
                directors are expected to comply with duties as provided in   associated person;
                the act. For reference, the duties of the directors as provided   7.   refrain from any action that would lead to loss of his
                by the act are as follows:                             independence;
                1.   act in accordance with the articles of the company.  8.  where  circumstances  arise  which  make  an
                2.   act in good faith in order to promote the objects of the   independent  director  lose  his  independence,  the
                    company for the benefit of its members as a whole and   independent director must immediately inform the
                    in the best interests of the company, its employees, the   Board accordingly;
                    shareholders, the community and for the protection of   9.   assist the company in implementing the best corporate
                    environment.                                       governance practices.
                3.   exercise duties with due and reasonable care, skill and       On behalf of the Board of Directors
                    diligence and exercise independent judgement.          Bhaskar Bhat             R. Mukundan
                4.   not be involved in a situation in which he may have a      Director   Managing Director & CEO
                    direct or indirect interest that conflicts, or possibly may
                    conflict, with the interest of the company.     Bengaluru, May 15, 2020   Mumbai, May 15, 2020
            1  ‘tata company’ shall mean every company in which tata Sons private limited or tata Industries limited or any company promoted by tata Sons private limited or
            tata Industries limited is promoter or a company in which such companies whether singly or collectively hold directly or indirectly 26% or more of the paid-up equity
            share capital or in which the shareholding of such companies represents the largest Indian holding apart from holdings of financial institutions/mutual funds or a
            company which is permitted by tata Sons private limited to use the tata brand name.

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