Page 36 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2019-20
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People are Critical in a Science-led Future
The experience and expertise of our multi-generation, multi-nationality and
gender diverse teams is the key to achieving high performance benchmarks and
delivering unique science-led solutions. We are restructuring our organisation,
re-engineering our people processes and investing in people capabilities to
create more value for them, the organisation and our stakeholders.
SDGs impacted
HR priorities Key initiatives undertaken Talent onboarding and capability
in FY 2019-20 and outlook enhancement
Organisational restructuring for
transformation for future We continue to strengthen our core
Organisation restructuring for competencies of customer-centricity
Talent on-boarding and capability and operational excellence through
enhancement transformation
With our structural re-alignment into Basic training and implementation of 5S and
Nurturing engagement among the Chemistry Products (BCPB) and Specialty Business Excellence tools. To provide
multi-generational workforce access to contemporary concepts, we
Chemicals Products (SCPB) businesses, we
Enhancing HR operational effectiveness are undertaking business-specific changes offer platforms like edX and certification
in our people management approach courses from the best global universities.
in order to make ourselves leaner, agile On the leadership development front,
and flatter. For our SCPB, self-managed we invested in executive coaching,
teams have been institutionalised to leadership journeys for high potential
foster collaboration, speed and customer- women, immersive programmes on Felt
centricity in the workforce. We have also Leadership and manager development.
restructured our Innovation Centres We continued with the ‘iNNCOTECH’
(IC) and are focussed on driving greater platform to facilitate outside-in perspective
synergy among Metahelix and Rallis’ and bridge Innovation and Technology
operating teams post their merger. through Collaboration. We are using ‘Tech
Talk’ platform to share information on latest
developments in our Innovation Centres.