Page 333 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2019-20
P. 333
Name of the Mr. R. Mukundan Dr. C. V. Natraj Mr. K. B. S. Anand
Director (Managing Director & CEO) (Non-Executive Independent (Non-Executive Independent
Director) Director)
Membership/ 1. Rallis India Limited Rallis India Limited Marico Limited
Chairpersonship - audit Committee (Member) - audit Committee (Member) - nomination and
of Committees in - Stakeholders relationship - nomination and remuneration Committee
other public limited Committee (Member) remuneration Committee (Member)
companies - nomination and (Chairperson)
remuneration Committee - risk Management
(Member) Committee (Chairperson)
- CSr Committee - Safety, Health, environment
(Chairperson) and Sustainability
- Safety, Health, environment Committee (Chairperson)
and Sustainability
Committee (Member)
2. Tata International Limited
- Corporate Social
responsibility Committee
- nomination and
remuneration Committee
- Committee of directors
No. of Board 9 6 5
Meetings attended
during the year
Relationship with none none none
other Directors and
No. of shares held:
(a) Own 500 209 -
(b) For other - - -
persons on a
beneficial basis
* Listed Entities (including entities whose debt is listed on a Stock Exchange)
# Commission is for FY 2019-20, which will be paid during FY 2020-21