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` in lakh 30 100 87 311 777 2458 6777 10540 Net Worth per Ordinary Share ` 103.11 119.52 158.96 202.81 193.89 214.00 248.72 251.75 218.46 217.92 269.05 310.42 435.78 484.43 506.27
Earnings per Ordinary Share (Basic) ` 19.91 23.62 43.51 27.59 25.61 26.10 32.88 15.72 (40.51) 23.41 30.25 38.98 95.51 45.38 275.02
1 for 10 3 for 10 1 for 5 1 for 2 2 for 5 1 for 2 3 for 5 Profit for ` in lakh 42834 50804 96440 64810 60591 65347 83759 40040 (103200) 59646 77058 99311 243308 115591 700633
Bonus Issue 1966-67 1968-69 1970-71 1974-75 1985-86 1990-91 1995-96 Share of Profit/(Loss) the Year in Associate ` in lakh - - - - 1347 - (246) (308) (333) (540) 1489 1562 4923 9921 2749
- - - 11171 13114 19257 19946 20703 22100 20553 23558 24099 26941 23094 22182
` in lakh 48 112 50 104 314 REVENUE ACCOUNTS Minority Taxes Interest ` in lakh ` in lakh 17231 24009 21147 15751 20932 27492 34392 30252 28878 35112 28732 41807 56935 34359 17933
1 for 5 at prem Re. 0.5 per share 1 for 5 at prem Re. 0.5 per share Profit before Depreciation Taxes ` in lakh ` in lakh 60065 18404 74813 27388 117587 31383 91732 42264 93290 44678 112096 45105 138343 50868 91303 53388 (51889) 47124 115851 46314 127859 57137 163655 55244 322261 53059 163123 57139 737999 66647
1 for 2 at par 4 for 5 at par Expenses ` in lakh 346846 504082 528813 1166716 845176 979211 1232095 1400520 1641748 1606708 1579960 1327495 1218260 1020023 874949 From year ended March 31, 2011 onwards borrowing include non-current (long-term) borrowing + non-current leases+ current (short-term) borrowing + current maturity of non-current
Rights Issue 1954-55 1957-58 1961-62 1972-73 Gross Revenue *** ` in lakh 425315 606283 677783 1300712 983144 1136412 1425027 1545211 1636983 1768873 1764956 1546394 1593580 1240285 1679595 Capital Employed: total Assets minus current liabilities plus current (short-term) borrowing plus current Maturities of non-current (long-term) borrowing and lease obligations
Goodwill on Consolidation ` in lakh 70749 76324 464924 562128 532470 563242 635874 662702 672261 695699 176193 169841 173185 181103 195423 From year ended March 31, 2011 onwards net block includes capital work-in-progress + intangibles assets held under development + capital advances
8/- per share Premium ` 10/- per share ` ` 30/- per share ` 40/- per share 60/- per share ` 40/- per share ` 40/- per share ` ` 220.78/- per share ` 220.78/- per share ` 220.78/- per share CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital Net block # Borrowings * Employed ` in lakh ` in lakh ` in lakh 277941 430024 182769 305605 469081 186420 337121 885172 480669 376696 1122734 628381 383096 1007837 499372 449047 1161268 569972 4
FINANCIAL STATISTICS - Standalone Equity Shares Issued on Conversion of Bonds/Debentures ` in lakh 116 300 600 1984-85/1985-89 725 725 1960 1960 1889 117 809 9201 FINANCIAL STATISTICS - Consolidated Minority Share Reserves Interest Capital ` in lakh ` in lakh ` in lakh - 200419 21516 - 235666 21516 4234 348439 23406 15219 453455 23523 35006 447310 24332 40645 519687 25482 44809 608145 25482 53614 615874 25
334 I IntEgRAtEd AnnuAL REpoRt 2019-20 Year 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 @ 2016-17 @ 2017-18 @ 2018-19 @ 2019-20 @ * # @ ** ***