Page 312 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2019-20
P. 312

the group’s policy is generally to undertake non-current borrowings using facilities that carry floating-interest rate. the group
               manages its interest rate risk by entering into interest rate swaps, in which it agrees to exchange, at specified intervals, the difference
               between fixed and variable rate interest amounts calculated by reference to an agreed-upon notional principal amount.
                 Moreover, the short-term borrowings of the group do not have a significant fair value or cash flow interest rate risk due to their short
                 as the group does not have exposure to any floating-interest bearing assets, or any significant long-term fixed-interest bearing
               assets, its interest income and related cash inflows are not affected by changes in market interest rates.
                 as at the end of reporting period, the group had the following long term variable interest rate borrowings and derivative to hedge
               the interest rate risk as follows:
                                                                                                      ` in crore
                                                                                          As at         As at
                                                                                  March 31, 2020  March 31, 2019
               non-current variable interest rate borrowings                            3,507.05       5,263.06
               Derivatives to hedge interest rate risk
               Cross currency interest rate swaps (not designated in a hedge relationship)    -         438.85
               Interest rate swaps (designated in Cash flow hedges)                     1,602.58       1,904.53
                                                                                        1,602.58      2,343.38
               Net exposure                                                             1,904.47      2,919.68

               Interest rate sensitivity
                 the following table demonstrates the impact to the group’s profit before tax and other comprehensive income to a reasonably
               possible change in interest rates on long term floating rate borrowings, with all other variables held constant:
                                                    Increase/decrease    Effect on profit    Effect on other
                                                          in               before tax    comprehensive income
                                                      basis points         ` in crore          ` in crore
               March 31, 2020                           +50/-50           (17.54)/17.54        8.01/(8.01)
               March 31, 2019                           +50/-50            (26.05)/ 26.05       0.23/(0.23)
               the effect on other comprehensive income is calculated on change in fair of cash flow hedges entered to hedge the interest rate

               Based on the movements in the interest rates historically and the prevailing market conditions as at the reporting date, the group’s
               Management has concluded that the above mentioned rates used for sensitivity are reasonable benchmarks.
               Equity price risk management
                 the group’s exposure to equity price risk arises from investments held by the group and classified in the Consolidated Balance Sheet
               as FVtoCI. In general, these investments are strategic investments and are not held for trading purposes. reports on the equity
               portfolio are submitted to the group’s senior management on a regular basis.
               Equity price sensitivity analysis
                 If prices of equity instrument had been 5% higher/(lower), the oCI for the year ended March 31, 2020 and 2019 would increase/
               (decrease) by ` 75.13 crore and ` 100.29 crore respectively.
               Commodity price risk
                 Certain entities within the group are affected by the volatility in the price of commodities. Its operating activities require the ongoing
               production of steam and electricity and therefore require a continuous supply of fuels. due to potential volatility in the price of fuels,
               the group has put in place a risk management strategy whereby the cost of fuels are hedged.

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