Page 303 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2019-20
P. 303
Integrated report Statutory reportS Financial StatementS
` in crore
Year ended March 31, 2019
Basic chemistry Specialty Unallocated Total
products products
(i) India 2,950.52 1,374.54 17.13 4,342.19
(ii) asia (other than India) 548.11 374.53 - 922.64
(iii) europe 1,401.45 0.35 - 1,401.80
(iv) africa 280.73 30.44 - 311.17
(v) america 3,101.59 235.56 - 3,337.15
(vi) others 10.91 10.86 - 21.77
8,293.31 2,026.28 17.13 10,336.72
* Including operating revenues and net off inter segment revenue
2. Non-current assets*
` in crore
As at As at
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019
(i) India 4,333.80 3,631.53
(ii) asia (other than India) 1.17 0.03
(iii) europe 1,513.89 1,321.28
(iv) africa 149.22 115.87
(v) america 11,132.79 10,275.14
17,130.87 15,343.85
*non-current assets other than investments in joint ventures, financial assets, deferred tax assets (net) and net defined benefit assets
(c) Revenue from major products
the following is an analysis of the Company's segment revenue from continuing operations from its major products.
` in crore
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2020 * March 31, 2019 *
(i) Basic chemistry products
- Soda ash 5,843.86 5,990.22
- Salt 1,167.62 1,257.18
- Bicarb 437.43 429.32
- others 554.77 616.58
(ii) Speciality products
- Crop protection (includes Fungicides, Herbicides and Insecticides) 1,723.45 1,481.48
- Seeds 364.27 311.19
- others 241.13 233.62
(iii) unallocated 24.22 17.13
10,356.75 10,336.72
* Including operating revenues and net off inter segment revenue
(d) Revenue from major customers
no single customer contributed 10% or more to the group’s revenue for the year ended March 31, 2020 and March 31, 2019.
(e) Other note
Segment revenue, results, assets and liabilities include the respective amounts identifiable to each of the segments and
amounts allocated on a reasonable basis.