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Integrated report             Statutory reportS          Financial StatementS

            2.18.2  Interest income                                  asset or the end of the lease term. the estimated useful
                    For all debt instruments measured either at amortised cost   lives of right of use assets are determined on the same
                  or at FVtoCI, interest income is recorded using the  eIr   basis as those of property and equipment. In addition, the
                  Method.                                            right of use asset is periodically reduced by impairment
                                                                     losses, if any, and adjusted for certain remeasurements of
            2.18.3  Dividend income                                  the lease liability.
                    dividend income is accounted for when group’s right to        the lease liability is initially measured at the present
                  receive the income is established.                 value of the lease payments that are not paid at the
                                                                     commencement date, discounted using the interest
            2.18.4  Insurance claims                                 rate implicit in the lease or, if that rate cannot be readily
                    Insurance claims are accounted for on the basis of claims   determined, the group’s incremental borrowing rate. For
                  admitted / expected to be admitted and to the extent that   leases with reasonably similar characteristics, the group,
                  there is no uncertainty in receiving the claims.   on a lease by lease basis, may adopt either the incremental
                                                                     borrowing rate specific to the lease or the incremental
            2.19  Leases                                             borrowing rate for the portfolio as a whole.
                    the  group has adopted Ind  aS 116 effective from
                  april 1, 2019 using modified retrospective approach. For        lease payments included in the measurement of the
                  the purpose of preparation of consolidated Financial   lease liability comprise the fixed payments, including
                  Information, management has evaluated the impact of   in-substance fixed payments and lease payments in an
                  change in accounting policies required due to adoption of   optional renewal period if the group is reasonably certain
                  lnd aS 116  for year ended March 31, 2020. accordingly, the   to exercise an extension option;
                  group has not restated comparative information, instead,
                  the cumulative effect of initially applying this standard has        the lease liability is measured at amortised cost using the
                  been recognised as an adjustment to the opening balance   effective interest method.
                  of retained earnings as on april 1, 2019.            the group has elected not to recognise right of use assets
                                                                     and lease liabilities for short-term leases that have a lease
                    the group assesses whether a contract contains a lease, at   term of 12 months or less and leases of low-value assets.
                  inception of a contract. a contract is, or contains, a lease   the group recognises the lease payments associated with
                  if the contract conveys the right to control the use of an   these leases as an expense on a straight-line basis over
                  identified asset for a define period of time in exchange   the lease term. the group applied a single discount rate
                  for consideration. to assess whether a contract conveys   to a portfolio of leases of similar assets in similar economic
                  the right to control the use of an identified assets, the   environment with a similar end date.
                  group assesses whether: (i) the contact involves the use
                  of an identified asset (ii) the  group has substantially all        refer note 2.19 – Significant accounting policies – leases
                  of the economic benefits from use of the asset through   in  the  annual  report  of  the  group  for  the  year  ended
                  the period of the lease and (iii) the group has the right to   March 31, 2019, for the policy as per Ind aS 17.
                  direct the use of the asset.
                                                               2.20   Employee benefits plans
                    as a lessee, the group recognises a right of use asset and a   2.20.1  In respect of the Company and domestic subsidiaries
                  lease liability at the lease commencement date. the right
                  of use asset is initially measured at cost, which comprises   employee  benefits  consist  of  provident  fund,
                  the initial amount of the lease liability adjusted for any   superannuation fund, gratuity fund, compensated
                  lease payments made at or before the commencement   absences, long service awards, post-retirement medical
                  date, plus any initial direct costs incurred and an estimate   benefits, directors’ retirement obligations and family
                  of costs to dismantle and remove the underlying asset or   benefit scheme.
                  to restore the underlying asset or the site on which it is      (i)   Post-employment benefit plans
                  located, less any lease incentives received.
                                                                          Defined contribution plans
                    the right of use asset is subsequently depreciated using           payments to a defined contribution retirement
                  the straight-line method from the commencement date     benefit scheme for eligible employees in the form
                  to the earlier of the end of the useful life of the right of use   of superannuation fund are charged as an expense

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