Page 237 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2019-20
P. 237

Integrated report             Statutory reportS          Financial StatementS

            Description of Key Audit Matter
            Revenue recognition (refer notes 2.18 and 27 to the Consolidated Financial Statements)

             The Key Audit Matter (KAM)                       How the matter was addressed in our audit
             revenue is recognised when the control of the underlying   Our audit procedures included:
             products has been transferred to the customer.
                                                              •     assessing the revenue recognition policies of the  group
             revenue is measured based on transaction price, which is the   including accounting for sales returns and discounts for
             consideration, after deduction of estimated accruals for sales   compliance with Ind aS;
             returns and discounts (including rebates and incentives).
                                                              •     the  group  has manual  and automated (information
             due to the group’s sales under various contractual terms and across   technology – It) controls on recording revenue and accruals
             geographies, delivery to customers in different regions might take   for sales returns and discounts.  We tested the design,
             different time periods and may result in undelivered goods at the   implementation and operating effectiveness of these
             period end. We consider there to be a risk of misstatement of the   controls. We involved our It specialists for It testing. In respect
             Financial Statements related to transactions occurring close to the   of cut-off and fraud risk, we focused on controls around
             year end, as transactions could be recorded in the wrong financial   the timely and accurate recording of sales transactions.
             period (cut-off risk).
                                                                  For auditing assumptions of discounts and estimates of
             there is also a  risk  of revenue  being overstated due  to  fraud   sales returns, we focused on controls around the accurate
             resulting from pressure on the  group to achieve performance   recording of accruals for sales returns and discounts.
             targets at the reporting period end.
                                                              Fraud and cut-off risk
             the recognition and measurement of discounts involves
             significant assumptions and estimates, particularly the expected  •     performing testing on selected statistical samples of revenue
             level of claims of each customer.                    transactions recorded during the year. We verified contractual
                                                                  terms  of the  invoice,  acknowledged  delivery  receipts  and
             estimation of sales returns also involves significant judgement and   tested the transit time to deliver the goods. our tests of detail
             estimates. these factors include, for example, climatic conditions   focused on cut-off samples to verify only revenue pertaining
             and the length of time between sales and sales returns, some of   to current year is recognised based on terms and conditions
             which are beyond the control of the group.
                                                                  set out in sales contracts and delivery documents;
             accordingly, fraud and cut-off risks in revenue recognition
             including accruals for sales returns and discounts is a key audit  •     assessing high risk manual journals posted to revenue to
             matter.                                              identify unusual items.

                                                              Accrual for sales returns and discounts
                                                              •     Selecting  samples  of  revenue  transactions  and  verifying
                                                                  accruals for discounts in accordance with the eligibility
                                                                  criteria mentioned in the marketing circulars;
                                                              •     evaluating the  group’s ability to accurately estimate the
                                                                  accrual for sales returns and discounts. Comparing historically
                                                                  recorded accruals to the actual amount of sales returns and

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