Page 116 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2019-20
P. 116

2.   Cost of materials consumed:        ` in crore  6.   Finance costs:                    ` in crore
                                FY     FY             %                            FY     FY            %
           Entity                            Change           Entity                           Change
                              2019-20 2018-19       Change                       2019-20 2018-19      Change
           tCl                    542    567    (25)    (4)   tCl                    43     86    (43)   (50)
           HFuK                   174    147     27     18    HFuK                  129    124      5      4
           rallis                1,217  1,121    96      9    tCna                  131    110     21     19
           others and eliminations  (89)  (61)  (28)    46    rallis                  6      5      1     20
           Total                1,844  1,774     70     4     others and eliminations  33   29      4     14
                                                              Total                 342    354    (12)    (3)
           Cost of materials consumed increased primarily at rallis and HFuK
           due to higher volumes and price mix.              lower  interest  cost  in  tCl  is  due  to  repayment  of  borrowing.
                                                             Increase  in interest  cost  in tCna  due to increase  in borrowing
           3.   Purchases of stock-in-trade:       ` in crore  during the year under review.
                                FY     FY             %
           Entity                            Change          7.   Other expenses:                     ` in crore
                              2019-20 2018-19       Change
                                                                                   FY     FY            %
           tCl                    94     102    (8)     (8)   Entity                           Change
           HFuK                   144    221    (77)   (35)                      2019-20 2018-19      Change
           tCna                   20      24    (4)    (17)   tCl                   447    414     33      8
           rallis                 141    116     25     22    HFuK                  457    498    (41)    (8)
           others and eliminations  (147)  (219)  72   (33)   tCna                  809    890    (81)    (9)
           Total                 252    244      8      3     rallis                330    332     (2)    (1)
                                                              others and eliminations  20   12      8     67
           purchases of stock-in-trade decreased primarily in the uK due to   Total  2,063  2,146  (83)   (4)
           lower pFr sales of soda ash.

                                                             Other expenses represent the following:     ` in crore
           4.   Power and fuel:                    ` in crore
                                                                                   FY     FY            %
                                FY     FY             %       Entity                           Change
           Entity                            Change                              2019-20 2018-19      Change
                              2019-20 2018-19       Change
           tCl                    555    574    (19)    (3)   Stores and spares     258    266     (8)    (3)
           HFuK                   513    531    (18)    (3)   consumed
           tCna                   325    314     11     4     packing materials     196    218    (22)   (10)
           rallis                 57      61    (4)     (7)   consumed
           Total                1,450  1,480   (30)    (2)    repairs               445    401     44     11
                                                              rent                   59    150    (91)   (61)
           power and fuel increased primarily in India, HFuK and tCna on
           account of higher input fuel cost and depreciating gBp exchange   royalty, rates and taxes  340  340  -  -
           rates against Inr.                                 Sales promotion        91     93     (2)    (2)
                                                              expenses and distributors
           5.   Freight and forwarding charges:    ` in crore  service charges
                                                              others(*)             674    678     (4)    (1)
                                FY     FY             %
           Entity                            Change           Total                2,063  2,146   (83)    (4)
                              2019-20 2018-19       Change
                                                             (*) – others include insurance charges, distributors’ service charges,
           tCl                    390    476    (86)   (18)
           HFuK                   226    244    (18)    (7)  professional fees, foreign exchange loss, travelling expense, provision
           tCna                   855    817     38     5    for doubtful debts and advances, directors’ fees/commission,
           rallis                 78      72     6      8    subcontracting cost, outsourcing cost and other expenses.
           others                  2      1      1     100   Changes in other expenses is primarily due to:
           Total                1,551  1,610   (59)    (4)   a.   packing materials consumed lower at tCl and rallis.

           Freight and forwarding charges decreased primarily due to lower   b.   repair expenses higher at tCna.
           volume and price mix.                             c.   rent is lower due to new lease accounting standard impact.

           114  I  Integrated annual report 2019-20
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