Page 31 - Tata_Chemicals_2018-2019
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Integrated Annual Report 2018-19


            •  Our strong pipeline of investment   •  Key ongoing projects will strengthen   the statutory permissions of which are
              projects in salt and Sodium Bicarbonate/  competitiveness – salt power station,   either received or are in an advanced
              Soda Ash/energy will sustain the   carbon capture and recovery plant   stage. This will enable us to meet rising
              momentum into FY 2019-20 and     at coal handling plant to optimise   demand. A dedicated team (Project
              beyond, driving cost competitiveness   operations and new warehousing   Pragati) has been formed for the same
              and enhanced customer service    proposals to enhance customer and   to ensure timebound execution
            •  Initiated Projects to grow      demand satisfaction, cost and safety                                 Integrated Report
              Sodium Bicarbonate and Salt sales   •  Planned capacity expansion programme
              opportunities in Asia            for all products at Mithapur facility,


            Grow leadership position          •  Manage variable costs like fuel, salt   to increasing awareness and the
            •  Execute LEAP (Lead, Engage, Aspire   and limestone through raw material   anticipated legislations on air pollution
              and Perform) strategy to strengthen   securitisation
              leadership position, address risks and                           •  Invest in capacities to pursue value-
              exploit opportunities           •  Exploit new opportunities in Sodium   driven growth opportunity in food,
                                               Bicarbonate and sesquicarbonate   animal feed and pharma variants
            •  Grow volume of subsidiaries
                                              •  Build a market for the newly developed
            Optimise costs                                                            For deeper insights into
                                               variants for specialised industrial
            •  Continue ongoing operation      applications and flue gas treatment,   our product portfolio,
              optimisation initiative and improvement   which is an emerging area due   please refer to page 06-07
              programmes                                                                                            Statutory Reports

                  Bulk transportation of salt in UK                                                                 Financial Statements
                                                                                    Picture Credit: Abbey Logistic Group

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