Tata Chemicals Europe sets its sight on a greener future through responsible management of natural resources and clean development mechanisms as part of its sustainable enterprise strategy.


Energy is a significant material aspect for Tata Chemicals.  Energy generation sources include natural gas with co-gen facility at TCE. Along with fossil fuels, TCE also uses grid power as an additional source of energy.

Energy cost is a critical differentiating factor between synthetic soda ash and natural soda ash. TCE’s soda ash plant is one of the lowest carbon emitters in the European Union (EU).
TCE CHP (Consolidated Heat Power) plant has an overall efficiency over 80 per cent which is a best in class standard. A heat optimisation project and a LSS task on electricity usage – Transvac project of installing a new steam turbine while generating additional 12.5 MW of power for the same amount of steam produced.


Emissions are critical to the organisation as they have impact on climate change and air quality. Over the years, TCL has introduced internal norms to provide a safer and better environment for the surrounding communities. All environmental regulations are being adhered to, and in-house monitoring is done on a daily basis. Half-yearly external monitoring is also done by a third party. The organisation measures emissions from the combustion processes using continuous emission and opacity monitors. The stacks are monitored as per the schedule made under ISO 14001 and results are well within the limits. The ISO 14001 certification does not currently include the British Salt business.

Combustion of natural gas and coal for electrical and steam generation result in NOx and SOx emissions. TCE operation processes do not consume or generate ozone depleting substances (ODS).


Water being a significant natural resource, is a material issue for Tata Chemicals. All measures to reduce water usage are implemented and water sources are metered and monitored regularly.

At TCE, water usage at the four sites consists of a mixture of town water (drinking water quality) provided by a third party and abstracted water from various sources. Some of the water is abstracted by us through licensed permits issued by our regulator – the Environment Agency. The water used on the sites is metered and abstracted water licenses are complied with.


Tata Chemicals Europe focuses on effective integration with the basic philosophy of resource optimisation, use of alternative sources and maximisation of “recycle and reuse” by innovation. Waste is a significant material aspect as it tends to degrade the environment if not managed suitably.

Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste

Minimising the amount of waste produced is the key objective of Tata Chemicals, from both an economic and environmental perspective. We have implemented on-site segregation of waste at all the sites. As per classification, all hazardous and non-hazardous waste across locations is sold to authorised and registered dealers and organic waste is composted. A monthly SHE Performance Matrix tracks the performance on waste minimisation activities and incorporates a monthly SHE audit of the storage and segregation of waste on site. At TCE, all effluent discharges to water courses and sewers are regulated by consent to discharges.