Page 11 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2018-19
P. 11
Integrated Annual Report 2018-19
Social and relationship capital
Social capital represents our community engagements and investments in their development. We carry
forward the ethos of Tata Group and strive to become a responsible corporate by undertaking activities Integrated Report
that can bring a meaningful difference to the society.
Our relationship capital represents the long-term relationships with the supply partners, dealers and
customers. We continue to nurture these relationships to make our business more sustainable. We work
closely with our suppliers for sharing knowledge and capacity building. We engage closely with our
customers (consumers, industries and farmers) and drive innovation and product quality to meet their
needs and enhance satisfaction levels.
No. of people
CSR Spend benefited
D26 Cr. 2,00,000
Human capital *
Human capital represents the knowledge, skills and experience of our strong workforce which enables Statutory Reports
us to create value. We invest in their welfare, engagement, skilling, health and safety to ensure the
sustained outcome. *The KPI's of human capital include all subsidiaries
Total on-roll Employee Employee Productivity -
employees** engagement score TRIFR*** PBT/Employee
4,698 73% 1.61 0.37 employee
C in Cr./
** As on March 31, 2019 *** Total Recordable Incident Frequency Rate indicating
the number of safety related incidents per million
hours worked
Natural capital
Natural capital represents all the renewable and non-renewable resources on which our operations are
dependent. This includes various raw materials (i.e. coal and limestone among other minerals extracted from
mines), land and water that we use into our operations. Our intent is to minimise the use of natural resources
and the impact of our operations on nature. Financial Statements
% of Process water Energy generated from Recycled and co-processed
supplied by Sea renewable sources packaging waste* Water recycled
73% 6,279 GJ 75% 66%
* For TCL India