Page 49 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2017-18
P. 49
Emission intensity (tCO2eq/ton produced)
Energy Waste Integrated Report
Energy assessments have been used to product circulation, a sugar charging All sites strictly enforce on-site waste
understand opportunities to save energy system, and auto timers. segregation. TCL ensures that all hazardous
and identify carbon capture. Variable In Europe, TCE’s combined Heat and Power and non-hazardous waste is sold to
frequency drives have been installed. plant has a best-in-class overall e ciency authorised and registered dealers. All
More e cient pumping systems have of 80%. TCE used a redundant coal- red organic waste is composted. No site ships
been introduced and the potential to power station to build a 50 MW energy internationally any quantity of treated waste
reduce GHG emissions is considered when from waste facility at Lostock deemed hazardous.
procuring or adapting new technology. from where it exports power to the
National Grid. TCNA minimises packing material by
In Mithapur, in collaboration with Tata transporting product using rail. Rail cars
Power, a 25 megawatt (MW) solar power In Kenya, TCM replaced mercury bulbs are rented to other users on the return trip.
plant powers 15 million homes and has with solar lighting and light-emitting This o sets the carbon footprint and cost to
reduced the annual carbon footprint by diode (LED) bulbs to save energy. return the car.
24,000 tonnes. The Innovation Centre in Statutory Reports
Pune installed 10 kilowatt (KW) of solar Emissions at Mithapur were reduced with TCE recycles waste by sending low-grade
capacity to power all its streetlights. A modi cations to the vacuum system, bicarbonate and soda ash to third parties to
comprehensive exercise at Sriperumbudur replacing the ash vessel and its bypass re-use and resell waste ash at lower prices.
to save energy and reduce emissions system at the power plant. Use of e uent Non-hazardous waste such as limestone is
included installing solar bore wells, a solids in cement manufacture and utilising recyled to land lls or local farms.
variable frequency drive for evaporator wind energy also contributed.
For more on non- nancial disclosures, please visit our website at
TCL's Biodiversity projects
Won the UN Global Compact India Network
Sustainability award for “Dharti Ko Aarpan” Organised a Biodiversity Fair in December 2017
biodiversity conservation program
Mapped whale shark Monitored the waterfowl
migratory patterns in the Organised “Van Mahotsav” population of the Caspian tern Financial Statements
Indian Ocean region through program with the State nesting at Charakla saltworks
satellite tagging Forest Department
Gauged overall Developed 5 hectare
health of Mithapur Planted 20,200 mangrove Ranavav mine area
coral reef and saplings at Rukshmani for Gugal plantation
recorded 64 Creek site, Dwarka
molluscan shells Undergoing dry land
agriculture seeding
Monitored marine project at Magadi
turtle mortality and
nesting along the Revived the Sampu river (water catchment area)
Okhamandal coast by planting around 1,000 trees at Magadi
Sustainability 47