Page 391 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23

 Abbreviations  GHG – Greenhouse Gas                           MoU  –  Memorandum of Understanding

            GJ – Giga Joule                                    MT –  Metric Tonnes
            GMO – Genetically Modified Organisms               MTBF –  Mean Time between Failure
            GPS – Global Positioning System                    MW –  Megawatt
 ABAC – Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption  CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility
            GRI – Global Reporting Initiative                  MUW - Make Up Water
 ACE – Agile, Competitive, Excellence  CTP – Corporate Tuberculosis Pledge
            GW - Giga Watt                                     myWOW – My World of Work
 AI – Artificial Intelligence  CY – Calendar Year
            HAZOP – Hazard and Operability Study               NABARD – National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
 AML – Anti-Money Laundering  DSI – Dry Sorbent Injection
            HDS –  Highly Dispersible Silica                   NGO – Non-Government Organisation
 ANSAC – American Natural Soda Ash Corporation  DVA – Digital Value Assessment
            HFO –  Heavy Fuel Oil                              NPS – Net Promoter Score
 API – Application Programming Interface  DX - Digital Transformation
            HIRA – Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis     OFPCL – Okhamandal Farmer Producer Company Limited
 BCP – Business Continuity Plan  EBIDTA  – Earnings before Interest, Depreciation, Taxes and
 Amortisation  HR – Human Resource                             OHSAS – Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series
 BD – Business Development
 EBIT – Earnings before Interest and Taxes  HSE – Health, Safety and Environment
 BEIS – Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy               OSHA – Occupational Safety & Health Administration, USA
 EBITDA  – Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and   HSG - Health and Safety Guidance
 BET – Brunauer Emmett Teller                                  OT –  Operational Technology
 BPR – Business Process Reengineering  ICAI – Institute of Chartered Accountants of India  OTON – One Tata Operating Network
 ECRM – Electronic Customer Relationship Management
 CAGR – Compound Annual Growth Rate  ICC – Indian Chamber of Commerce  PAT  –  Profit After Tax
 ED – Executive Director
 CAPEX – Capital Expenditure  IGBC  –  Indian Green Building Council  PBT  –  Profit Before Tax
 EIGA –  European Industrial Gases Association
 CCPS – Centre for Chemical Process Safety  IIoT  –  Industrial Internet of Things  PCR  –  Passenger Car Radial
 EPR – Extended Producer Responsibility
 CCS – Carbon Capture and Storage  IIRC –  International Integrated Reporting Council  PLIs - Production Linked Incentive Scheme
 EPS – Earnings Per Share
 CCU – Carbon Capture & Utilisation  ILO – International Labour Organisation  PH –  Preheaters
 ERP –  Enterprise Resource Planning
 CDP – Career Development Plan  IMA – Industrial Minerals Association  POSH – Prevention of Sexual Harassment
 ESAPA – European Soda Ash Producers Association
 CEO – Chief Executive Officer  INVEST – Increase Value-Enhancing Skills for Tomorrow  PSI  –  Progressive Safety Index
 ESG –  Environmental, Social and Governance
 CFO – Chief Financial Officer  IR  –  Integrated Reporting    PSRM – Process Safety & Risk Management
 EU –  European Union
 CFT – Cross-Functional Teams  ISAE –  International Standards on Assurance Engagements  R&D –  Research & Development
 EV  –  Electric Vehicle
 CHP – Combined Heat and Power Plant  ISO – International Organization for Standardization  RC – Responsible Care
 FAMI - Food Additives and Premixture System
 CIA – Chemical Industrial Association  ITIL – Information Technology Infrastructure Library  REACH  –  Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction
 FCF – Free Cash Flows
 CII – Confederation of Indian Industry  JSA – Job Safety Analysis  of Chemicals
 FDI - Foreign Direct Investment
 CPI - Consumer Price Index  KPIs  –  Key Performance Indicators  REDP – Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programme
 FG – Freight Gain
 COA – Contract of Affreightment  KT  –  Kilo Tonnes           RHA – Rice Husk Ash
 FOS – Fructo Oligosaccharide
 COO – Chief Operating Officer  LNG – Liquefied Natural Gas    RICH – Rallis Innovation & Chemistry Hub
 FPO – Farmer Producer Organisations
 CORE – Code for Responsible Extraction  LOLT – Light of Life Trust  RMC – Risk Management Committee
 FMCG - Fast-moving Consumer Goods
 COSO – Committee of Sponsoring Organisations  LTIFR –  Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate  ROCE  – Return on Capital Employed
 FSSAI - Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
 C-SAFE – Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Agriculture &    FSSC - Food Safety System certification  MD –  Managing Director  RPA – Robotics Process Automation
 Farm Excellence  MDO – Master Data Online                     SB – Sodium Bicarbonate
 GDP - Gross Domestic Product
 C-SCAPES  – Centre for Sustainable  Conservation  Action for   MFA – Multi-Factor Authentication  SBTi – Science Based Target initiatives
 Protection of Ecosystems of the Seas  GET – Graduate Engineer Trainees
            MPP – Multi Purpose Plant                          ScFOS – Short-chain Fructo-oligosaccharides

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