Page 288 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23                01-83                   84-192                  193-365
                                                                                                                                     Integrated Report       Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

                   differences are re-attributed to NCI and are not           Measurement period adjustments are adjustments           2.9  Property, plant and equipment                     their estimated useful lives. However, leasehold
                   recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Profit   that arise from additional information during the                    An item of property, plant and equipment (‘PPE’) is   improvements are depreciated on a straight-line
                   and Loss. For all other partial disposal (i.e. partial   ‘measurement period’ (which cannot exceed one                  recognised as an asset if it is probable that the future   method over the shorter of their respective useful
                   disposals of joint arrangements that do not result in   year from the acquisition date) about facts and                 economic benefits associated with the item will flow   lives or the tenure of the lease arrangement. Freehold
                   the Group losing significant influence or joint control),   circumstances that existed at the acquisition date.         to the Group and its cost can be measured reliably.   land is not depreciated.
                   the proportionate share of the accumulated exchange                                                                     These recognition principles are applied to the costs
                   differences is reclassified to the Consolidated           The subsequent accounting for changes in the fair value       incurred initially to acquire an item of PPE, to the pre-          Schedule II to the Act prescribes the useful lives for
                   Statement of Profit and Loss.                     of the contingent consideration that do not qualify                   operative and trial run costs incurred (net of sales), if   various class of assets. For certain class of assets,
                                                                     as the measurement period adjustments depends                         any and also to the costs incurred subsequently to   based on technical evaluation and assessment,
               2.7  Business combinations                            on how the contingent consideration is classified.                    add to, replace part of, or service it and subsequently   Management believes that, the useful lives adopted
                     The Group accounts for its business combinations   Contingent consideration that is classified as equity is           carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and   by it reflect the periods over which these assets are
                   under acquisition method of accounting. Acquisition   not remeasured at subsequent reporting dates and its              accumulated impairment losses, if any.             expected to be used. Accordingly for those assets,
                   related costs are recognised in the Consolidated   subsequent settlement is accounted for within equity.                                                                   the useful lives estimated by the management are
                   Statement of Profit and Loss as incurred.  The    Contingent consideration that is classified as an asset                 The cost of PPE includes interest on borrowings   different from those prescribed in the Schedule.
                   acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent   or a liability is remeasured at fair value at subsequent   directly attributable to the acquisition, construction   Management’s estimates of the useful lives for various
                   liabilities that meet the condition for recognition are   reporting dates with the corresponding gain or loss           or production of a qualifying asset. A qualifying asset   class of PPE are as given below:
                   recognised at their fair values at the acquisition date   being recognised in profit or loss.                           is an asset that necessarily takes a substantial period   Asset                  Useful life
                   except deferred tax assets or liabilities, and assets or                                                                of time to be made ready for its intended use or   Salt Works, Reservoirs and Pans  1-30 years
                   liabilities related to employee benefit arrangements,           When a business combination is achieved in stages,      sale. Borrowing costs and other directly attributable   Plant and Machinery**    1-60 years
                   which are recognised and measured in accordance   the Group’s previously held equity interest in the                    cost are added to the cost of those assets until such   Traction Lines and Railway Sidings   15 years
                   with Ind AS 12- Income taxes and Ind AS 19-Employee   acquiree is remeasured to its acquisition-date fair               time as the assets are substantially ready for their   Factory Buildings         5-60 years
                   benefits, respectively.                           value and the resulting gain or loss, if any, is recognised           intended use, which generally coincides with the   Other Buildings               5-60 years
                                                                     in profit or loss. Amounts arising from interests in                  commissioning date of those assets.                Water Works                   15 years
                     Goodwill is measured as the excess of the sum of the   the acquiree prior to the acquisition date that have                                                              Furniture and Fittings and Office
                   consideration transferred, the amount of NCI in the   previously been recognised in Other Comprehensive                   The present value of the expected cost for the   Equipment (including Computers
                   aquiree, and the fair value of acquirer’s previously   Income are reclassified to profit or loss where such             decommissioning of an asset after its use is included   and Data Processing Equipment)   1-10 years
                   held equity instrument in the aquiree (if any) over   treatment would be appropriate if that interest were              in the cost of the respective asset if the recognition   Vehicles                4-10 years
                   the net of acquisition date fair value of identifiable   disposed off.                                                  criteria for a provision is met.                   Mines and Quarries**          140 years
                   assets acquired and liabilities assumed. Where the fair
                   value of identifiable assets and liabilities exceed the           If the initial accounting for a business combination           Machinery spares that meet the definition of PPE are   ** Mines and quarries and certain plant and machinery which
                                                                                                                                                                                              are in relation to the USA subsidiaries mine are depreciated
                   cost of acquisition, after reassessing the fair values of   is incomplete by the end of the reporting period in         capitalised and depreciated over the useful life of the   using the units-of-production method. Approximately
                   the net assets and contingent liabilities, the excess is   which the combination occurs, the Group reports              principal item of an asset.                        1%  (previous  year  1%)  of  plant  and  machinery  and  100%
                   recognised as capital reserve.                    provisional amount for the items for which the                                                                           (previous year 100%) of mines and quarries are depreciated
                                                                     accounting is incomplete. Those provisional amount                      All other repair and maintenance costs, including   using the units-of-production method.
                     The  interest  of  non-controlling  shareholders  is   are adjusted during the measurement period, or                 regular servicing, are recognised in the Consolidated
                   initially measured either at fair value or at the NCI’s   additional assets or liabilities are recognised, to           Statement of Profit and Loss as incurred. When a           Useful lives and residual values of assets are reviewed
                   proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net   reflect new information obtained about facts and               replacement occurs, the carrying value of the replaced   at the end of each reporting period.
                   assets. The choice of measurement basis is made on   circumstances that existed at the acquisition date                 part is de-recognised. Where an item of property,
                   an acquisition-by-acquisition basis.              that, if known, would have affected the amount                        plant and equipment comprises major components           Losses arising from the retirement of, and gains or
                                                                     recognised at that date.                                              having different useful lives, these components are   losses arising from disposal/adjustments of PPE are
                     When the consideration transferred by the Group in                                                                    accounted for as separate items.                   recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Profit
                   a business combination includes assets or liabilities      2.8  Changes in the proportion held by NCI                                                                      and Loss.
                   resulting in a contingent consideration arrangement,           Changes in the proportion of the equity held by            PPE acquired and put to use for projects are capitalised
                   such contingent consideration, on the acquisition   NCI are accounted for as equity transactions. The                   and depreciation thereon is included in the project      2.10 Intangible assets
                   date, is measured at fair value and included as a   carrying amount of the controlling interests and NCI                cost till the project is ready for commissioning.  Goodwill
                   part of the consideration transferred in a business   are adjusted to reflect the changes in their relative                                                                  Goodwill represents the cost of the acquired
                   combination. Changes in the fair value of the     interests in the subsidiaries. Any difference between                   Depreciation methods, estimated useful lives and   businesses in excess of the fair value of identifiable
                   contingent consideration that qualify as measurement   the amount by which the NCI are adjusted and the                 residual value                                     tangible and intangible net assets purchased. Goodwill
                   period adjustments, are adjusted retrospectively,   fair value of the consideration paid or received is                   Depreciation on PPE (except leasehold improvements)   is not amortised; however it is tested annually for
                   with corresponding adjustments against goodwill or   recognised directly in equity and attributed to owners             is calculated using the straight-line method to    impairment and carried at cost less accumulated
                   capital reserve as the case may be.               of the Group.                                                         allocate their cost, net of their residual values, over   impairment losses, if any. The gains / (losses) on the

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