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Basis of Reporting  Materiality  Engagements (ISAE) 3000 Revised and   Contents

 We have based our annual report on the   We cover key material aspects, identified   Type 1 “Moderate level” of Assurance
 principles of Integrated Reporting <IR>,   through stakeholder engagement and   under AA1000 Assurance Standard   Integrated Report
 a global benchmark for best practices in   addressed by various programmes or   (AA1000AS V3) in respect of the Principles   02  Tata Chemicals’ approach to resilience
 corporate reporting with our philosophy   action points with measurable targets.   of inclusivity, materiality, responsiveness   10  About Tata Chemicals
 of making disclosures beyond statutory   and impact as defined in the AA1000   12  Awards and Recognitions
 norms. With each passing year, we   Responsiveness  Accountability Principles Standard (2018)   13  MD & CEO's Message
 continue to enrich our Report with   This Report, amongst one of our   (the “AA1000 Accountability Principles”).   14  Our Business Model
 additional disclosures to provide relevant   interaction and communication   The assurance criteria, methodology   16   Using the Six Capitals in Business Model
 information to all our stakeholders on   elements, reflects our ability to manage   and conclusion are presented in the   to Create Value
 our value creation process using the   our operations while accounting and   assurance report. The assurance report   18   Strategy: Pursuing Growth and
 multiple capitals which helps them make   responding to stakeholders' concerns.  is available on the Company’s website   Competitiveness Focussed on
 informed decisions.  at:  Green Chemistry
 Impact  IRAssurance2022.htm.  22  Demonstrating Resilience Sustainably
 This Report is prepared in   We are accountable to the larger   24  Managing Material Matters and
 accordance with the:  ecosystem and we continuously monitor   Forward-looking statements  Aligning Priorities
   Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules   and evaluate our impact across our value   Certain statements in this Report   28  Building Trusted Relations
                with Stakeholders
 made thereunder  chain. The Report covers the information   regarding our business operations may   30  Risk Management
   Indian Accounting Standards   that is material to our stakeholders and   constitute forward-looking statements.   36   Innovating to Deliver Green and
 the Company and presents an overview   These include all statements other than
   SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure   statements of historical facts, including   Sustainable Solutions
 Requirements) Regulations, 2015  of the Company's operations along with   39   Progressing to a Digital Future
 associated activities that help in short,   those regarding the financial position,
   Secretarial Standards  medium and long-term value creation.   business strategy, management plans   40  Resilience with Focus on Sustainability
 These issues have significant business   and objectives for future operations.   43   Amplifying Health and Safety
 Internationally recognised   Forward-looking statements can be   Management
 frameworks and guidelines   impact and are key to the Company’s   46  Building Excellence for Tomorrow
 followed include:  value-creation process.  identified by words such as 'believes',
 'estimates', 'anticipates', 'expects',   48  Committed to Sustainable and   Expertise in chemistry, adoption of Green Chemistry
   United Nations Global Compact  Accountability  'intends', 'may', 'will', 'plans', 'outlook'   Responsible Leadership  for sustainable future growth, world-class facilities,
   Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)   The Management of the Company under   and other words of similar meaning in   50  Promoting Inclusive Development   talented team and commitment to all stakeholders
 Standards  the supervision of the Managing Director   connection with a discussion of future   54  Strong Governance Practices
   AA1000 Accountability Principles 2018  & CEO has reviewed the Report content.  operating or financial performance.   56  Basic Chemistry Products  are at the core of our business, enabling us to create
 Forward-looking statements are   62  Specialty Products  differentiation and deliver distinctive value to all.
   <IR> framework of the International   Reporting period, scope and   70  Results at a Glance
 Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)  necessarily dependent on assumptions,
 assurance  data or methods that may be incorrect   71  Corporate Information  At Tata Chemicals, the above aspects have enabled us to create a business model that is
 The following principles of AA1000   This Report covers financial and non-  or imprecise and that may be incapable   72  Key details at a Glance  resilient and upholds our competitive edge across markets and products. It enables us to
 Accountability Principles 2018   financial information and activities of   of being realised and as such, are not   be adaptable, agile to navigate challenges, grow and consolidate our leadership position.
 have been applied:  Tata Chemicals Limited (‘the Company’   intended to be a guarantee of future   Statutory Reports  This was what we did in a challenging FY 2021-22.
 Inclusivity  or ‘TCL’) and its subsidiaries for the period   results, but constitute our current   73  Board’s Report
 April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022. While the   expectations based on reasonable   99  Management Discussion & Analysis
 We commit accountability to stakeholders   assumptions. Actual results could differ   120  Corporate Governance Report  We successfully navigated through external uncertainties and challenges like rise
 directly or indirectly impacted by our   financial information has been audited by   materially from those projected in   146  Business Responsibility &    in input costs, extreme weather conditions, supply chain disruptions and increased
 organisation. We have mapped them and   B S R & Co. LLP, Chartered Accountants,   any forward-looking statements due   Sustainability Report  environmental regulations through agility and adaptiveness. At the same time,
 have processes to ensure inclusion of their   the non-financial information as referred   to various events, risks, uncertainties   we remained nimble to quickly capture rising demand opportunities and deliver
 concerns and expectations. We continue   to in the assurance report has been   and other factors. We neither assume   Financial Statements  on commitments.
 to develop our stakeholder engagement   assured by Ernst & Young Associates LLP.   any obligation nor intend to update or
 and sustainability capacity at corporate   The assurance is in accordance with   revise any forward-looking statements,   178  Standalone Financial Statements  With demand continually improving, expansion projects on track and new business
 and manufacturing levels.  the limited assurance criteria of the   whether as a result of new information,   250  Consolidated Financial Statements  initiatives progressing well, we are set to leverage our chemistry of resilience and create
 International Standards on Assurance   future events or otherwise.  340  Form AOC-1  value. There is a sharper focus on sustainability through Green Chemistry at its core.
            342  Notice
 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) prioritised  357  Financial Statistics
            359  Abbreviations
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