Page 235 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2020-2021
P. 235

Integrated Report   Statutory Reports  Financial Statements
              1-59                60-146             Consolidated

                        II   The results of subsidiaries acquired or      2.6   Foreign currency translation
                             disposed of during the year are included         (i)    Foreign currency transactions and
                             in the CFS from the effective date of              balances
                             acquisition and up to the effective date of
                             disposal, as appropriate.                          On initial recognition, all foreign currency
                                                                                transactions are recorded at exchange
                        III   The CFS include the share of profit / loss of     rates prevailing on the date of the
                             the joint ventures which are accounted as          transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities,
                             per the ‘equity method’.                           denominated in  a  foreign  currency,  are
                                                                                translated at the exchange rate prevailing
                             Under the equity method of accounting,
                             the investments are initially recognised at        on the Consolidated Balance Sheet date
                             cost and adjusted thereafter to recognise          and the resultant exchange gains or
                             the Group’s share of the post-acquisition          losses are recognised in the Consolidated
                             profits or losses of the investee in profit or     Statement of Profit and Loss. Non-
                             loss, and the Group’s share of movements           monetary items, which are carried in terms
                             in OCI of the investee in OCI. Dividends           of historical cost, denominated in a foreign
                             received or receivable from joint ventures         currency are reported using the exchange
                             are recognised as a reduction in the               rate at the date of the transaction.
                             carrying amount of the investment.                 Foreign exchange differences regarded as
                                                                                an adjustment to the borrowing cost are
                             When the Group’s share of losses in an
                             equity accounted investment equals                 presented in the Consolidated Statement
                             or exceeds its interest in the entity, the         of Profit and Loss within finance cost.
                             Group does not recognise further losses,           Exchange differences arising from the
                             unless it has incurred obligations or made         translation of equity investments at Fair
                             payments on behalf of the other entity.            value through other comprehensive
                                                                                income (‘FVTOCI’) are recognised in OCI.
                        IV   The CFS are presented, to the extent               All other foreign exchange gains and
                             applicable, in accordance with the                 losses are presented on a net basis within
                             requirements of Schedule III of the 2013           other income or other expense.
                             Act as applicable to the Company's
                             separate Financial Statements.               (ii)  Foreign operations
                                                                                Assets  and  liabilities  of entities  with
                        V    Non-controlling interests (‘NCI’) in the
                             net assets of the subsidiaries that are            functional  currencies  other  than
                             consolidated consists of the amount of             presentation  currency  have  been
                             equity attributable to non-controlling             translated to the presentation currency
                             shareholders at the date of acquisition.           using exchange rates prevailing on the
                                                                                Consolidated Balance Sheet date.  The
                        VI   Goodwill on consolidation is measured as           Statement  of  Profit  and  Loss  has  been
                             the excess of the sum of the consideration         translated using the average exchange
                             transferred, the amount of NCI in the              rates. The net impact of such translation
                             aquiree,  and  the  fair  value  of  acquirer’s    are recognised in OCI and held in foreign
                             previously held equity instrument in the           currency translation reserve (‘FCTR’), a
                             aquiree (if any) over the net of acquisition       component of Equity.
                             date  fair value  of  identifiable  assets
                             acquired and liabilities assumed.                   On the disposal of a foreign operation (i.e.
                                                                                a disposal of the Group’s entire interest in a
                             Profit or loss and each component of OCI           foreign operation, a disposal involving loss
                             are attributed to the equity holders of the        of control, over a subsidiary that includes
                             parent and to the NCI, even if this results in     a foreign operation, or a partial disposal
                             the NCI having a deficit balance.                  of an interest in a joint arrangement

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