Page 188 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2019-20
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The Company reviews its  carrying  value  of           Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised at
                      investment in subsidiaries and goodwill carried at   the point in time when control is transferred to the
                      cost (net of impairment, if any) annually, or more   customer which is usually on dispatch / delivery of
                      frequently when there is indication for impairment.   goods, based on contracts with the customers.
                      If the recoverable amount is less than its carrying
                      amount, the impairment loss is accounted for in           Revenue is measured based on the transaction
                      the Standalone Statement of Profit and Loss.       price, which is the consideration, adjusted for
                                                                         volume discounts, price concessions, incentives,
                      PPE, CWIP and intangible assets                    and returns, if any, as specified in the contracts with
                        The carrying values of assets / cash generating units   the customers. Revenue excludes taxes collected
                      (‘CGu’) at each Balance Sheet date are reviewed to   from customers on behalf of the government.
                      determine whether there is any indication that an   Accruals for discounts/incentives and returns are
                      asset may be impaired. If any indication of such   estimated (using the most likely method) based on
                      impairment exists, the recoverable amount of such   accumulated experience and underlying schemes
                      assets / CGu is estimated and in case the carrying   and agreements with customers. Due to the short
                      amount of these assets exceeds their recoverable   nature of credit period given to customers, there is
                      amount, an impairment loss is recognised in the    no financing component in the contract.
                      Standalone Statement of Profit and Loss.  The
                      recoverable amount is the higher of the net selling      2.14.2  Interest income
                      price and their value in use. Value in use is arrived           For all debt instruments measured either at
                      at by discounting the future cash flows to their   amortised  cost  or  at  FVTOCI,  interest  income  is
                      present value based on an appropriate discount     recorded using the EIR method.
                      factor.  Assessment  is  also  done  at  each  Balance
                      Sheet date as to whether there is indication that      2.14.3  Dividend income
                      an impairment loss recognised for an asset in prior           Dividend income is accounted for when Company’s
                      accounting periods no longer exists or may have    right to receive the income is established.
                      decreased, consequent to which such reversal of
                      impairment loss is recognised in the Standalone      2.14.4  Insurance claims
                      Statement of Profit and Loss.                        Insurance claims are accounted for on the basis of
                                                                         claims admitted / expected to be admitted and to
                2.13  Inventories                                        the extent that there is no uncertainty in receiving
                        Inventories are valued at lower of cost (on weighted   the claims.
                      average basis) and  net realisable value after
                      providing for obsolescence and other losses, where   2.15  Leases
                      considered necessary. Cost includes all charges in           The Company has adopted Ind AS 116 effective
                      bringing  the  goods  to  their  present  location  and   from April 1, 2019 using modified retrospective
                      condition, including other levies, transit insurance   approach.  For the  purpose  of  preparation  of
                      and receiving charges.  Work-in-progress and       Standalone Financial Information, management
                      finished goods include appropriate proportion of   has evaluated the impact of change in accounting
                      overheads and, where applicable, taxes and duties.   policies required due to adoption of lnd AS 116
                      Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in   for year ended March 31, 2020. Accordingly,
                      the ordinary course of business, less the estimated   the Company has not restated comparative
                      costs of completion and the estimated costs        information, instead, the cumulative effect of
                      necessary to make the sale.                        initially applying this standard has been recognised
                2.14   Revenue recognition                               as an adjustment to the opening balance of
                                                                         retained earnings as on April 1, 2019.
                2.14.1  Sale of goods
                        Revenue is recognised upon transfer of control of           The Company assesses whether a contract
                      promised goods to customers in an amount that      contains a lease, at inception of a contract. A
                      reflects the consideration which the Company       contract is, or contains, a lease if the contract
                      expects to receive in exchange for those goods.    conveys the right to control the use of an

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