Page 46 - Tata_Chemicals_yearly-reports-2018-19
P. 46

Low agricultural productivity is a challenge   agronomy practices. It analyses crop
            GROWTH STORY
                                            for India. The problem is about knowing   growth pattern and forecasts crop health
                                            the right way of using the agricultural   to provide right plant growth nutrients to
            Rallis pursues big              inputs, adopting productive farming   enhance health. It determines plant stress
                                                                             and likely pest and disease impacts to
                                            methods and having access to necessary
            ideas to solve for              expert support services.         provide right crop protection products.
            agriculture                     Gathering the knowledge gained through   It thus provides them necessary
                                                                             intervention initiatives across the crop life
                                            years of R&D and farmer engagement,   cycle. Further, post-harvest, the farmers are
           Digital solutions to             Rallis has developed a holistic approach   provided with market price information for
           support farmers
                                            for this – Rallis Samrudh Krishi® (RSK). With   selling their produce optimally
           Samadhan App                     efforts directed to addressing farmer needs   This kind of intervention and hand
                                            in a programmed manner, RSK facilitates
           Provides farmers direct access to Rallis'   in enhancing farm productivity and farmer   holding has benefited several farmers by
           product details, Package of Practices   income.                   enhancing their productivity and income
           developed by R&D and real-time
           weather and mandi prices.        With RSK, Rallis engages with a select set   levels. Our focus now is to systematise this
                                                                             initiative and deliver the gains consistently
           Drishti                          of farmers at an individual level. It assists   across geographies.
           Provides weather forecast, crop and crop   them in determining their soil quality
           stage, forecast the current and projected   based on geography and provides right
           crop health, soil moisture, nutrient index,   soil health enhancing products, high-
           plant stress and likely pest and disease.  quality seeds and helps them adopt right

                                            Metahelix being a relatively late   across various product demonstration
            GROWTH STORY
                                            entrant in the ~` 3,000 crore cotton   and pre-season activities. It enabled
             Metahelix                      seed market was a small player in   the team to reach out to about 6 lakh
                                                                             farmers and 4,000 retailers and create
                                            the segment. However, with efforts
             delivers growth                to understand farmer requirements,   top of the mind recall. The campaigns
             and prosperity with            develop right products and take   were accentuated by outdoor media and
                                                                             hoardings, point of sales communication
                                            it to farmers through innovative
             Maha-Sambhav                   means, it emerged as a key player in   and WhatsApp videos. All these efforts
                                            Maharashtra. The Company developed   paid rich dividends and the Company
                                            a new cotton hybrid seed, Aatish, that   was able to grow the ‘Aatish’ brand by
           Metahelix, a wholly-owned subsidiary of   delivers the attributes of early yield’,   more than six times last year, making
           Rallis, has significant presence in hybrid   ‘big boll’ and ‘easy picking’ which are   ‘Maha-Sambhav’ possible.
           seeds and in the biotech space. It has   the most favoured requirements of
           benefited millions of farmers across India   cotton farmers today. This product
           with its innovative hybrid seeds and   gives handsome yields in lesser time,
           outreach programme.              enabling farmers to have the produce
                                            for sales by Diwali (the festival of wealth)
            ‘Maha-Sambhav’ was the rallying call taken   and also avoid problems relating to low
           in 2018 which helped it in expanding   rainfall and pest & disease incidence.
           volumes of its new flagship cotton hybrid
           ‘Aatish’ in Maharashtra and catapulted it   Communication messaging based
           into the million-packet league.  on the hybrid’s key attributes was
                                            consistently undertaken through the
                                            campaign – “Aatish Yani Khushiyo Ka
                                            Aasman” (“Aatish stands for Happiness”)

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