Page 281 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 Consolidated Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2023  Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended March 31, 2023
 ` in crore                                                                                              ` in crore
  As at     As at                                                               Note      Year ended   Year ended
 Note                                                                                   March 31, 2023  March 31, 2022
  March 31, 2023    March 31, 2022   I.  Income
 I.  ASSETS       a)   Revenue from operations                                   27           16,789      12,622
 (1)  Non-current assets  b)   Other income                                      28            218          256
 (a)   Property, plant and equipment  4(a)  6,367   5,985   Total Income (a + b)             17,007       12,878
 (b)   Capital work-in-progress  4(b)  2,351   1,590   II.  Expenses                           2,947       2,424
                     Cost of materials consumed
 (c)   Investment property  5  52   54   b)   Purchases of stock-in-trade                      364          336
 (d)   Right-of-use assets  6  202   215   c)    Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade  29  (28)  (123)
 (e)   Goodwill on consolidation  7(a)  2,109   1,971   d)   Employee benefits expense  30     1,691       1,540
 (f)  Goodwill  7(b)  46   46   e)   Power and fuel                                            2,988       2,112
 (g)   Other intangible assets  8(a)  8,316   7,773   f)   Freight and forwarding charges      2,184       1,806
 (h)   Intangible assets under development  8(b)  59   78   g)   Finance costs   31            406          303
 (i)   Investments in joint ventures and associate  9(a), 9(b)  1,136   1,234   h)   Depreciation and amortisation expense  32  892   806
 (j)   Financial assets  i)   Other expenses                                     33          14,265       11,426
                  Total expenses (a to i)
    (i)   Other investments  9(c)  5,042   5,124   III.  Profit before exceptional items, share of profit of joint ventures and associate and tax (I-II)   2,742    1,452
    (ii)   Other financial assets  11  40   54   IV  Exceptional item (net)      34              -          (11)
 (k)   Deferred tax assets (net)  22  144    -  V.  Profit before share of profit of joint ventures and associate and tax (III-IV)   2,742    1,441
 (l)   Advance tax assets (net)  24(a)  767   707   VI.  Share of (loss)/profit of joint ventures and associate (net of tax)  9(a)   (2)  226
 (m)  Other non-current assets  12  289   267   VII.  Profit before tax (V+VI)                 2,740       1,667
 Total non-current assets  26,920   25,098   VIII.  Tax expense
 (2)  Current assets  (a)   Current tax                                          35            374          274
 (a)  Inventories  13  2,532   2,294   (b)   Deferred tax                        35            (86)          (7)
 (b)   Financial assets  IX.  Total tax expense (a+b)                                          2,452       1,400
                  Profit for the year from continuing operations (VII-VIII)
 (i)  Investments  9(d)  1,270   1,325   X.  Exceptional gain from discontinued operations (net)  36(i)   -   28
    (ii)   Trade receivables  14  2,627   1,933   XI.  Share of loss of joint ventures (net of tax)  9(a), 36(ii)  (18)  (10)
    (iii)   Cash and cash equivalents  15  508   762   XII.  Tax expense of discontinued operations  36(i)   -   13
    (iv)   Bank balances other than (iii) above  15  157   549   XIII.  (Loss)/profit for the year from discontinued operations (X+XI-XII)  (18)   5
 (v)  Loans  10  325   -  XIV.  Profit for the year (IX+XIII)                                  2,434       1,405
    (vi)   Other financial assets  11  61   1,175   XV.  Other Comprehensive Income (net of tax) ('OCI') - gain/(loss)
 (c)   Current tax assets (net)  24(a)   -  1   A   (i)    Items that will not be reclassified to the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss
 (d)   Other current assets  12  680   702           -  Changes in fair value of investments in equities carried at fair value through OCI  (82)   1,690
                         -  Remeasurement of defined employee benefit plans (note 40)
 8,160   8,741       (ii)    Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss  (37)  208
 Assets classified as held for sale  26(a)  4   4      (iii)     Share of Other Comprehensive Income in joint ventures (net of tax)   (7)  110
 Total current assets  8,164   8,745   B  (i)    Items that will be reclassified to the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss
 Total assets  35,084   33,843         -  Effective portion of gain/(loss) on cash flow hedges  (1,102)    1,034
 II.  EQUITY AND LIABILITIES     -  Changes in foreign currency translation reserve            437          128
 Equity              (ii)  Income tax relating to items that will be reclassified to the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss  (231)  197
 (a)   Equity share capital  16  255   255      (iii)    Share of Other Comprehensive Income in joint ventures (net of tax)   7    5
 (b)   Other equity  17  19,466   17,998   Total Other Comprehensive Income - gain/(loss) (net of tax) (A (i-ii+iii) +B (i-ii+iii))  (531)   2,959
 Equity attributable to equity share holders  19,721   18,253   XVII.  Total comprehensive income for the year (XIV+XV)   1,903    4,364
                  Profit for the year from continuing operations (IX)
 Non-controlling interests  18  921   904   Attributable to:
 Total equity  20,642   19,157   (i)   Equity shareholders of the Company                      2,335       1,253
 Liabilities      (ii)   Non-controlling interests                                             117          147
 (1)  Non-current liabilities                                                                  2,452       1,400
 (a) Financial liabilities  XVIII.  (Loss)/profit for the year from discontinued operations (XIII)
 (i)  Borrowings  19  5,540   3,725   Attributable to:
    (ii)   Lease liabilities  39  137   135   (i)   Equity shareholders of the Company         (18)           5
    (iii)   Other financial liabilities  20  48   16   (ii)   Non-controlling interests          -            -
 (b)  Provisions  21  1,454   1,280   XIX.  Profit for the year (XIV)                          (18)           5
 (c)   Deferred tax liabilities (net)  22  1,935   2,037   Attributable to:
 (d)   Other non-current liabilities  23  424   397   (i)   Equity shareholders of the Company   2,317     1,258
 Total non-current liabilities  9,538   7,590   (ii)   Non-controlling interests               117          147
 (2)  Current liabilities                                                                      2,434       1,405
 (a)   Financial liabilities  XX.  Other Comprehensive Income - gain/(loss) (net of tax) (XV)
 (i)  Borrowings  19  543   3,077   Attributable to:
    (ii)   Lease liabilities  39  76   87   (i)   Equity shareholders of the Company          (531)        2,959
    (iii)   Trade payables  (ii)   Non-controlling interests                                  (531)  -     2,959   -
       -  Outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises  25  21   20   XXI.  Total comprehensive income for the year (XVI)
       -  Outstanding dues of creditors other than above  25  2,576   2,425   Attributable to:
    (iv)   Other financial liabilities  20  696   458   (i)   Equity shareholders of the Company   1,786    4,217
 (b)   Other current liabilities  23  521   536   (ii)   Non-controlling interests             117          147
 (c)  Provisions  21  352   371                                                                1,903       4,364
 (d)   Current tax liabilities (net)  24(b)  119   122   XXII.  Earnings per share for continuing operations (in `)
 Total current liabilities  4,904   7,096   - Basic and Diluted                  37            91.66       49.17
 Total liabilities  14,442   14,686   XXIII.  Earnings per share for discontinued operations (in `)
 Total equity and liabilities  35,084   33,843   - Basic and Diluted             37            (0.71)       0.20
             XXIV.  Earnings per share for continuing and discontinued operations (in `)
 Notes 1 to 50 are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements   - Basic and Diluted  37   90.95    49.37
 As per our report of even date attached  For and on behalf of the Board  Notes 1 to 50 are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements
 For B S R & Co. LLP  N. Chandrasekaran   Chairman  As per our report of even date attached  For and on behalf of the Board
 Chartered Accountants  (DIN: 00121863)  For B S R & Co. LLP    N. Chandrasekaran   Chairman
 Firm's Registration No: 101248W/W - 100022  Padmini Khare Kaicker  Director  Chartered Accountants  (DIN: 00121863)
 (DIN: 00296388)  Firm's Registration No: 101248W/W - 100022    Padmini Khare Kaicker  Director
 R. Mukundan  Managing Director and CEO                         (DIN: 00296388)
 (DIN: 00778253)                                                R. Mukundan        Managing Director and CEO
 Vijay Mathur  Nandakumar S. Tirumalai  Chief Financial Officer  (DIN: 00778253)
 Partner  (ICAI M. No.: 203896)  Vijay Mathur                   Nandakumar S. Tirumalai  Chief Financial Officer
                                                                (ICAI M. No.: 203896)
 Membership No. 046476  Rajiv Chandan  Chief General Counsel & Company Secretary  Membership No. 046476  Rajiv Chandan  Chief General Counsel & Company Secretary
 Mumbai, May 3, 2023  (ICSI M. No.: FCS 4312)  Mumbai, May 3, 2023  (ICSI M. No.: FCS 4312)
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