Page 197 - Tata Chemical Annual Report_2022-2023
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Integrated Annual Report 2022-23  01-83  84-192              193-365
               Integrated Report      Statutory Reports       Financial Statements

 Description of Key Audit Matter  Impairment of Property, Plant and Equipment and Goodwill (See Note 2.3.5, 2.12 , 4 and 7(b) to Standalone
 Revenue Recognition (See Note 2.14 and 23 to Standalone Financial Statements)  Financial Statements)
 The Key Audit Matter  How the matter was addressed in our audit  The Key Audit Matter  How the matter was addressed in our audit
 Revenue is recognised when the performance obligation is satisfied at a   Our audit procedures included:  The Company periodically assesses if there are any triggers for recognising   Our audit procedures included:
 point in time by the Company by transferring the underlying products   •     Assessing the Company’s revenue recognition accounting policies   impairment loss in respect of Property, plant and equipment (PPE) relating   •     Analysing the indicators of impairment of PPE including
 to the customer.  for compliance with Ind AS;  to its Silica and Nutraceutical Cash Generating Units (CGU).  understanding of Company’s own assessment of those indicators;
 Revenue is measured based on transaction price, which is consideration,   •     Testing the design, implementation and operating effectiveness of   In making this determination, the Company considers both internal and   •     Evaluating the design and implementation and testing  the
 after deduction of discounts.  the Company’s manual and automated (Information Technology -   external sources of information to determine whether there is an indicator   operating effectiveness of key controls over the impairment
 Due to the Company’s sales under various contractual terms and across   IT) controls on recording revenue. We also involved IT specialists   of impairment and, accordingly, whether the recoverable amount of the   assessment process. This included the estimation and approval of
             CGU needs to be estimated. Further, Goodwill is required to be assessed
 locations, delivery to customers in different regions might take different   for testing of IT general and application controls.  for impairment annually.  forecasts, determination of key assumptions and valuation models;
 time periods and may result in undelivered goods at the period end. We   •     Testing the controls around the timely and accurate recording   •     Assessing the valuation methodology used for determining
 consider there to be a risk of misstatement of the financial statements   of sales transactions.  We also tested the Company’s lead   An impairment loss is recognised if the recoverable amount is lower than   recoverable amount and testing the arithmetical accuracy of the
 related to transactions occurring close to the year end, as transactions   time assessment and quantification of any sales reversals   the carrying value. The recoverable amount is determined based on the   impairment models, with the assistance of valuations specialists;
 could be recorded in the incorrect financial period (cut-off risk).  for undelivered goods. In addition, we tested the terms and   higher of value in use (VIU) and fair value less costs to sell (FVLCS).  •     Assessing the identification of relevant Cash Generating Units
 There is also a risk of revenue being overstated due to fraud through   conditions set out in the sales contracts and management’s   As at March 31, 2023, carrying Value of PPE of these CGUs were ` 350 crore   (CGU) to which goodwill is allocated and to which PPE belong
 booking fictitious sales resulting from pressure on the Company to   estimate of transit time required to deliver the goods;  and ` 46 crore for Goodwill.  that are being tested;
 achieve performance targets during the year as well as at the reporting   •     Performing testing on selected statistical samples of revenue   The assessment of indicators of impairment and recoverable value is   •     Understanding from the Company the basis of the assumptions
 period end.  transactions recorded throughout the year and at the year end   considered to be a key audit matter due to the significant judgment   used for the projected future cash flows;
 Accordingly, revenue recognition is a key audit matter.  and checking delivery documents and customer purchase orders   required to assess the internal and external sources of information. The   •     Verifying the inputs used in projecting future cash flows. We
 (as applicable);  judgement, in particular, is with respect to estimation of future discounted   challenged  the  business  assumptions  used,  such  as  sales
             cash flows (DCF) of the underlying CGUs due to the inherent uncertainty
 •     Assessing high risk manual journals posted to revenue to identify   and subjectivity involved in forecasting and discounting future cash flows.   growth, Earnings before Interest Depreciation and Tax (EBIDTA)
 any unusual items.                                               and discount rate which included comparing these inputs with
             The DCF uses several key assumptions, including estimates of future sales
 •     Assessing and testing the adequacy and completeness of the   prices, EBIDTA, terminal value growth rates and the weighted average cost   externally derived data as well as our own assessment based
 Company’s disclosures in respect of revenue from operations.  of capital (discount rate).  on our knowledge of the client and the industry. In addition
                                                                  we performed sensitivity analysis, with the assistance of
 Litigations and claims (See Note 2.3.4, 2.22 and 18 and 41.1 to Standalone Financial Statements)  valuation specialists;
                                                              •     Evaluating  the  past  performance of the CGUs with actual
 The Key Audit Matter  How the matter was addressed in our audit
                                                                  performance where relevant and assessing historical accuracy of
 The Company operates in various States within India, exposing it to a   Our audit procedures included:  the forecast produced by the Company;
 variety of different Central and State laws, regulations and interpretations   •     Obtaining an understanding of actual and potential outstanding
 thereof. The provisions and contingent liabilities relate to ongoing   litigations and claims against the Company from the Company’s   •     Assessing the adequacy of the Company’s disclosures of
 litigations with and claims from various authorities. Litigations and claims   in-house Legal Counsel and other senior personnel of the   key assumptions, judgments and sensitivities in respect of
 may arise from direct and indirect tax proceedings, legal proceedings,   Company and assessing their responses;  Goodwill impairment.
 including regulatory and other government/department proceedings,
 as well as investigations by authorities and commercial claims.  •     Testing the design, implementation and operating effectiveness   Information Other than the Financial Statements   we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other
 of the Company’s controls on evaluating litigations and claims.
 Resolution of litigations and claims proceedings may span over multiple   and Auditor’s Report Thereon  information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing
 years beyond March 31, 2023 due to the complexity and magnitude   •     Assessing  status  of  the litigations and  claims  based on   The Company’s Management and Board of Directors are   to report in this regard.
 of the legal matters involved and may involve protracted negotiation   correspondence between the Company and the various tax/legal   responsible for the other information. The other information
 or litigation.  authorities and legal opinions obtained by the Company;  comprises the information included in the Company’s annual   Management's and Board of Directors' Responsibilities
 •     Testing  completeness  of  litigations  and claims  recorded by
 The determination of a provision or contingent liability requires   verifying the Company’s legal expenses and the minutes of the   report, but does not include the financial statements and   for the Standalone Financial Statements
 significant judgement by the Company because of the inherent   board meetings;  auditor’s report thereon.  The Company’s Management and Board of Directors are
 complexity in estimating whether it is probable that there will be an   responsible for the matters stated in Section 134(5) of the Act
 outflow of economic resources. The amount recognised as a provision   •     Assessing and challenging the Company’s estimate of the possible   Our opinion on the Standalone Financial Statements does not   with respect to the preparation of these Standalone Financial
 is the best estimate of the probable expenditure. The provisions and   outcome of litigations and claims. This is based on applicable   cover the other information and we do not express any form of   Statements that give a true and fair view of the State of affairs,
 contingent liabilities are subject to changes due to the outcomes of   tax laws and legal precedence by involving our tax specialists   Profit/Loss and Other Comprehensive Income, Changes in
 litigations and claims over time as new facts emerge as each legal   in taxation related matters and discussing with the Company’s   assurance conclusion thereon.
 case progresses.  internal legal counsel including obtaining independent   Equity and Cash Flows of the Company in accordance with the
 legal confirmation;  In connection with our audit of the Standalone Financial   accounting principles generally accepted in India, including the
 There is an inherent complexity; and magnitude of potential exposures   Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) specified under Section
 is  significant  across  the  Company.  Significant  judgment  is  necessary   •     Evaluating the Company’s judgements made by comparing the   Statements, our responsibility is to read the other information
 to estimate the likelihood, timing and amount of  the  cash outflows,   estimates of prior year to the actual outcome;  and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is   133 of the Act. This responsibility also includes maintenance of
 interpretations of the legal aspects, legislations and judgements previously   •     Assessing and testing the adequacy and completeness of the   materially inconsistent with the Standalone Financial Statements   adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions
 made by the authorities. Accordingly, this is identified as a key audit matter.  Company’s disclosures in respect of litigations and claims.  or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to   of the Act for safeguarding of the assets of the Company and
            be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed,   for preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities;

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